forty five

586 46 45

oH my gOd an update!! i finally have like some time off from studying and i decided to improve my english by writing an update lol have fun <3



"how are you feeling, baby?" luhan asked, with a smirk plastered on his face. "did i leave you wanting more?" my eyes were half opened, my hands were still handcuffed to the small bed from last night. luhan took off my blindfold and stared at my naked body, realizing my abdomen was still covered with his white liquid all over.

"you're sick." i spat weakly, my eyes were stinging from crying too much. luhan just smirked evilly and traced his finger on my skin. "don't touch me!" i yelled, panting out loud with hatred in my eyes. luhan grabbed my jaw harshly, bruising them on both sides. "let me go..." i felt like drowning in my own tears.

"no, baby. you haven't answered my question." luhan gripped my wrists tightly. i yelped in pain.

"i hate it!" i gritted my teeth as i stared deeply into his eyes with hatred. luhan chuckled bitterly, unlocking the handcuff from me and flipped me, causing me to bend over. he took out a whiplash and spanked my butt as i winced in pain. "luhan!" i cried.

"all you have to do is be a good boy, sehun. you're under my property. do i have to teach you a lesson everyday?" luhan hit me again lastly, with a powerful move. then he carressed my cheek as tears fell down, and left rinsing my blood from the whiplash.

my buttocks were cut and bruised badly, blood dripping out from it causing it to stain my underwear. i couldn't even sit or walk straight anymore. i even had to wear my clothes from last night, soaked in...yixing's dry blood. i searched for my phone everywhere, but there was no signal of it. last time i put it was in my back pocket. it probably slipped out while i was runnin and there's no way i could find it in this huge forest.

i hesitantly walked out of the cabin, just to find luhan sharpening his knives aggressively. "come out, sehun. i know you're watching." he said, without even glancing at me.

"no..." i quivered. "stay away from me."

"come here, don't make me repeat." he rasped. i didn't try to move closer. "i said come here!" he yelled, almost throwing a knife at me. my heart stopped. i slowly went over to luhan and gulped.

"i should try these on you." luhan smirked, holding a weird shaped knife and grabbed my wrist forcefully. he cut me deeply and i screeched. "not satisfying enough." luhan pouted and tried another knife on me.

"fucking stop!" i tried to move away my wrist from his captive hold. "you're hurting me enough! you ruined my life enough! what more do you want from me?!" i yelled.

"stupid, i want you in general. which means you, your body, your soul." luhan said. "since i already have you, you're automatically my sex slave, my partner in crime. do as i told you to do so. isn't it fun being a psychopath like me?" luhan laughed. "ruining people's lives because it isn't fair when my life's already ruined. you get so much attention."

"i don't want to be like you! i don't want to be with you!" i spat. "give up, luhan! i don't need you! kill me if you have to..." i clenched my fists.

"oh, you think it's simple to kill you? to kill the man i love even after finding out he found someone else? you think love is easy?" luhan said.

" don't love me. you hurt me, you almost killed me. now im right infront of you, why don't you just end me? i found yixing and im completely inlove with him, i moved on, luhan. you think love is easy?" i gritted my teeth. luhan just chuckled and gripped the knife tightly.

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