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"who's your partner?" tao gripped my shoulder from the back, not letting me go forward.

"what partner? what are you talking about?" i turned around to face him.

"the camping activity...i heard that you're also included! you should know your partner by now, yixing." tao shook his head. i stayed blank faced after what he said, i didn't know what was even happening. tao grabbed my forearm all of a sudden and led me to some place. a notice board and lists. i got it.

"so? who?" tao asked after i read my partner's name. i covered my mouth and widened my eyes.

"sehun?!" i freaked out.

"w-wait! oh sehun?! OH SEHUN?" tao widened his eyes too. "that prick?! he once pushed me when we were playing lacrosse!" tao spat bitterly. i couldn't make up any words to say...

"i need to switch partners! hell, i wouldn't even get any sleep being in the same tent with him." i rolled my eyes. "ah, im going crazy." i slammed the notice board beside me.

"good luck to you dude...if he did some jerkass move to you just call me for help." tao sighed.

"tao calm down, i can handle him myself." i said. he just stared at me without any expression. "how about you? are you going?" i asked.

"hell yeah i am. its a miracle that im paired with a senior! wu yifan! everyone calls him kris anyways." tao said while biting his lip nervously. "he looks too serious, hopefully i don't get beaten up in the tent." tao whispered quietly. i just giggled and smacked him.

aish!...oh sehun. why is it always you?!


i asked tao to pick me up at my house for the camping activity. sadly, i had to wake up early to prepare some things i had to pack because last night i fell asleep on the floor whilst searching for my earphones...turns out it was under my pillow this whole time. extra underwears is a must there's no way i was gonna use sehun's underwear instead. i brought at least 14 for a week. how do i shower there is the real question. i also brought cologne, toothbrush, extra shirts, extra blanket, mosquito repellent. it felt like a year being in the jungle.

i heard a loud honk from outside. must be tao. i rushed my packing and sprinted downstairs, smoothly wearing my pair of nike shoes. "get in loser, we're going camping!" tao shouted from the outside.

"what are you doing yixing? are you going to egypt for 2 years or just camping?" he studied the bags i carried as i walked out of the door.

"just in case of emergencies. don't want to bother sehun anyways." i said. tao almost forgot that sehun will be my partner for a week.


"morning and welcome to the camping activity! we already prepared some tents for you and your partner to stay in. blue tents for the juniors, red tents for seniors. you can choose whichever tent you want fairly with your partner. last warning, do not go to the areas we don't allow, there might be dangerous animals out here...have a great day!" the tour guide said using a megaphone for all of us gathered students to hear clearly. some of us already regretted coming after hearing the warning.

people started scattering everywhere to find their partners but i didn't even move an inch...they all looked like happy pairings but then there was sehun crossing his arms like an arrogant he is. "i can't seem to spot kris yet." tao glanced his surroundings. "where is he? don't tell me im gonna be alone in the tent especially at night..." tao freaked.

"chill, he's right there with one of xiumin's friend i saw." i told him.

"oh that's luhan! he's here too?!" tao said surprisingly, unaware of his loud voice, causing luhan to stare at our direction. i quickly covered his mouth, making him trip backwards but managed to balance his weight. "shit." tao muttered, averted his gaze. luhan didn't look suspicious at all and continued to chat with kris.

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