forty six

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"i said move!" sehun yelled at tao with his cracked voice.

i was still in severe pain, the blood streaming down my cheeks became dry and actual tears came out. hearing sehun's voice, made me feel mixed emotions but mostly i wanted to accept him and just love him even after what he did. he came crawling back for me...but i didn't want to give in easily for him, what he did was cruel. leaving me for luhan? must you do that to break my heart, oh sehun?

as soon as i heard sehun's footsteps became more distant, i knew that he left without even trying to get me. without even doing any effort, without actually caring about hurt my heart more that he left. it hurt my soul that it made me think that he actually needed luhan more than me...i could've stopped him. but i just wanted him to prove that he would do anything for me...i guess not.

"it's all good. he left." tao sneered and continued bandaging my legs and arms. "i still don't trust him, you know..." there was a short silence, only the crickets outside could be heard.

"how can he leave so easily?" i muttered, with my shaky voice. "how can he...leave me without trying to get me?" i sobbed.

"yixing...why would i let him in when you told me to stop him?" tao sighed. "he can't get in even if he tried. he'll just break your heart more. you don't deserve him." tao groaned.

"i deserve him..." i trailed. "i deserve sehun! not luhan or anybody else." i cried.

"what are you saying?! you still love him after what he did to you? yixing, you told me you didn't want to see him anymore!" tao said, more confused than ever.

"that's not the point, tao! i just wanted to see if he would try and beg on his knees to see me. to hear him say 'i love you' hug me and treat me like his only man in this universe...but he left just like that..."

"don't be stupid, yixing! he's just using you! don't fall for him anymore...and yeah, he left just like that and i hope you realize how evil he is." tao snapped.

"why would sehun...leave me? after all those promises...after all those false hopes...after all those affection, why?" my eyes began to swell from crying too much. "i thought we promised not to leave each other..."

"get it over with. he doesn't love you anymore...remember what he said? he'll love luhan like he used to and leave you alone..." tao said.

my heart felt like it was burning into ashes inside, my body felt hot and my mind started to overthink things about sehun. what tao said...really bothered me. "he doesn't love luhan! stop saying he is!" i clenched my jaw.

"yixing, are you fucking serious right now?! no! you can't fall for his trap. look at you! you're hurt enough." tao shook my body.

"we never broke up in the first place!" i hoarsely said, tao became frozen and stared at me like he's terrified of me. my body became weaker that when i stood up, i would stumble down on the floor, feeling my legs wobbly.

"then break up with him." tao sneered, trying to help me back up but i just groaned. "if you don't tell him, i will."

no words came out of my mouth...i just felt so hopeless and the thought of sehun doesn't want me like he used to kept ringing in my head, telling me not to trust him anymore. he played me like a toy. played me and gave me to luhan. he just wanted to break my heart infront of luhan and everybody else. he just...doesn't love me. it was time to give up, i felt the tears coming again but i just didn't want to let it out no matter how hurt i was.



"what the fuck are those sirens for in the middle of the night?! aish, let me sleep in peace!" baekhyun woke up from his comfortable sleep. i didn't sleep, i couldn't sleep...i was just there on the couch, laying down tiredly.

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