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by the way readers, the others still don't know that sehun's gay except for luhan and yixing. :))


as he promised, i watched yixing packing his bags again, very organized and concentrated. he didn't even realize i was staring at him while cupping my cheeks. i still couldn't believe yixing made me have a boner...luhan isn't the first one to make me have one. yixing's soft moan kept repeating inside my head for the hundredth time, something about it made me really tingle...i didn't mean to grip his back in a sexual way, but he got turned on? interesting.

he slung his bags on his shoulder, getting ready to leave without even glancing at my face. "wait, who's gonna be your partner?" i asked.

"you'll see." he sighed. "have fun with luhan." and went out of the tent without saying goodbye.

"wait!" i groaned.

"what?!" he snapped.

"nothing. don't have fun with...whoever your new partner is." i said. "...no goodbye?" i coughed. he smirked and ignored me. i sighed and turned away to go wait inside my tent.

i felt quite lonely, waiting for hours for luhan inside this tent. it was weird that it became more spacious since yixing's numerous bags weren't here anymore. it felt very strange and boring. i liked it more filled with yixing's bags. but what if my new partner isn't luhan? i shrugged off the idea and just laid on the sleeping bag, waiting.

"annyeonghaseyo..." he greeted as he crouched inside the tent. "you must be sehun." he held out his hand for us to shake hands.

"yeah. who are you? who told you to be here?" i rejected the hand shake by crossing my arms. "you're not a senior, right?"

"im lee taemin. and we're the same year, of course im not a senior." he said, kindly smiling. i was really disappointed! i thought luhan was gonna be my tent mate, i waited for nothing. taemin literally smiles everytime i say a thing, even a word. it frustrated me so much.

"can you stop smiling? if you're trying to seduce me then better try harder." i frowned and he giggled. "oh. my. god." i facepalmed and plopped my face on the pillow in frustration. "who sent you here?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"the teacher told me to exchange tents and your ex partner replaced me...what's his name again? yeesung? he kept begging to exchange with a senior named luhan but the teacher doesn't allow seniors with juniors. since i have problems with my ex partner too so the teacher decided to pair me with you." taemin said, unpacking his things like it was his own tent.

"you're not allowed to use this sleeping bag, get your own." i abrupty said and he just shrugged.

"i don't care, i'll just use my pillow." taemin gave up. "we just met, anyways. your first impression isn't really good to be honest."

"i get why yeesung wanted to exchange." he said obliviously. the blood within me boiled in anger. "why do i always get shitty partners?"

"because you yourself is shitty too." i spat. he just smirked and put in his earphones, listening to music. muting all my complaints.

"it's yixing, by the way." i plucked out his left earphone, then aggresively shoved it in after he heard the correction.

it had just been minutes of taemin's arrival but yet i still prefer yixing being my damn partner...



"hi!" my new partner greeted.

"ah, hi..." i awkwardly smiled. the atmosphere was really different from the tent i had with sehun...it was really weird. "um, what's your name?"

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