twenty nine

839 61 78


"patient oh sehun, you're free to go. you're still recovering so try not to get hurt or it may get worse. here are some medicines you need to take." the doctor said as he removed the needle from my hand slowly and showed me the medicines.

"great." i stared at the various kinds of medicines. "thanks."

"your welcome." the doctor smiled after he finished explaining everything to me.

"get in the car, sehun. we're going home." mom said.

"arasseo." i sighed and sat beside my mom in the car. for some reason, it still felt the same. i still felt weak and helpless...what luhan said about me was true. nothing had changed.

soon when we arrived at home, mom decided to leave again to somewhere she didnt tell me. she dressed nicely and wore thick makeup suddenly...weird. there was no food at all at home and i was all alone. being at the hospital was better than being at home. whenever i walked inside a room, it gave me flashbacks of what luhan tried to do with me and i cringed me alot. i decided to walk to an alcohol store nearby and bought some drinks for myself. i wanted to get drunk...for real. no one was home anyways.

i chugged at least two bottles of beer down my throat while lounging on the big couch inside the living room. i tasted the bitter taste of the medicine melting in my mouth while drinking some more beer. it should've been water but i was too drunk and lazy. i probably gulped too much medicines too and didn't care if i overdosed myself.

i went through my phone and clicked the gallery app. there were so many memories of luhan and i together. i just chuckled and deleted them straight away. how dumb was i to think that he was the right person for me? never fall in love so easily...i suffered alot for him yet he was the one who suffered me and tried to kill me. i'd never forgive him for what he's done.

i've been through a lot of pain already. i just got out of the hospital but now im drinking would be so disappointed in me. i just wanted to get drunk and forget about all the stuff that has happened to me recently and it didn't go so well.



a text message popped on my screen. i was just about to sleep.

oh sehun: "yixing~"

sehun? since when? he probably got my number from the groupchat.

zhang yixing: "hm? what do you want?"

oh sehun: "come over~ no one's home ;)..."

zhang yixing: "sehun, you're either drugged again or you're just out of your mind."

oh sehun: "im not! im at home rn. im freeeee."

zhang yixing: "oh really? congrats."

oh sehun: "come oveeeerrr! :("

zhang yixing: "aish. arasseo..."

oh sehun: xbzbzssmjshshs

zhang yixing: "...what are you saying?"

oh sehun: "im texting not saying! im not drunk i swear ehehedhishsj ;)"

zhang yixing: "stop with the wink emoticons. you're getting gayer each day."

oh sehun: "because i am?? ;)"

he kept begging me to come over his house so i had to cancel my sleeping plans for today. i got up from my bed and drove to sehun's house immediately. i knocked twice and the door creaked slowly open, revealing sehun's hot smirk while leaning on the side door. "come in." he pulled me inside and closed the door straight away.

"holy crap, sehun. what is this horrible smell?" i pinched my nose from the strong alcohol smell in his living room. "how many bottles have you drank?!" i widened my eyes at the amount of empty beer bottles on the floor.

"five, maybe..." he slurred. "you want some?"

"seriously? no! sehun you just got out of the hospital and now you're already drinking?! you're trying to kill yourself or what?!" i scolded.

"scold me anytime you want just look too cute." he laughed and plopped down beside me, sitting on the couch with his legs spreaded widely.

"aish...hajima. that's not funny." i smacked the back of his head and he glared at me. "so why do you want me to come over?" i furrowed my brows.

"i have no reason. its funny that you really came." he said. "i was actually joking but, you're loyal after all." he smirked.

"of course i am! what if they need me so bad?" i reasoned.

"by 'they' you mean me..." sehun smirked and put his arms around me casually while watching the television.

"i don't deserve to be here. you're drunk and you probably wouldn't want me here if you're sober." i stood up from the couch and was ready to leave. "what am i gonna do here anyways? we aren't friends."

he gripped my wrist and pulled me back down. "we're not friends?" he glared at me. "then...are we more?" he burst out laughing and i blushed.

"we're just not close at the complete opposite of you and we don't get along!" i sighed.

"close or not, doesn't matter. aren't i too comfortable with you already?" sehun raised his brow. "we slept in the same tent...i even cuddled you-"

"if you don't stop talking, sehun. i will-"

"kiss me?" sehun leaned in closer to my face. my heart stopped for a moment. "you will kiss me?" he teased again while i kept staring at his pink lips.

"get out of my face. you're hella drunk." i jokingly slapped his cheek softly and he laughed.

"what do you want to do, yixing?" sehun asked.

"i don't know." i said and leaned my head on his shoulder tiredly. he played with my hair until it became a hot mess. i enjoyed it because i felt sleepy.

"truthfully, did you want to kiss me?" he smirked. "because i've caught you staring at my lips many times now."

"maybe..." i gulped silently.

"i'll take that as a yes." he smirked hotly and laid me completely on the couch. "because i want to kiss you too." i could only feel the blood rushing up my cheeks. he hovered on top of me and gazed at me in the eyes.

he started to kiss me passionately while i tasted the sweet alcohol on his lips. i kissed back and i liked the tingling feeling. i felt the adrenaline rushing inside of me, the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. i slowly trailed my fingers on his back and he kissed me harder in a good way. we caught our breaths in the middle of our making out session. he kissed my jaw and down my sensitive neck. this time, it wasn't forced or a dare. it was a real kiss. he got me feeling some type of way that i never felt was just a kiss.

"sehun..." i whispered and arched when he kissed my neck. my neck is very sensitive indeed.

"hm?" he hummed and kept teasing.

"uh...yes..." a soft moan escaped from my mouth. "im sensitive, sehun. you can't-" i said but he smirked and made me moan louder.

"woah there!" a voice interrupted. sehun's brother dropped his phone as soon as he stepped inside the house.

"hyung, it's not what it looks like-"

"who cares? sorry for interrupting bro." sehun's brother smirked and quickly went upstairs, trying to respect our privacy.

i quickly sat up and covered my face with my hands. i felt so embarrassed. "why?" sehun laughed. "that was great and steamy..."

"jjinja paboya! why did you do that?!" i jokingly slapped his thigh.

"says the one who kissed me back..." sehun smirked and pinched my cheek again. "you shouldn't be embarrassed. you're a good kisser." he patted my shoulder.

"shall we do it again?" sehun suggested. he was clearly drunk and i wasn't buying it anymore.

"shut up and clean the bottles on the floor." i sighed.

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