thirty one

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!! [ mature content, some kinky shit comin thru ;) ]


"aish, why isn't taeyeon replying my texts?!" baekhyun frustrated. "i didn't see her at all since camping..."

"she's probably just busy." chanyeol rolled his eyes. "i reply to your texts, so why don't you date me instead?"

"quit playing, park chanyeol." baekhyun smacked the back of chanyeol's head. "im serious. im getting worried for taeyeon...she's still my girlfriend after all."

"yah, stop mentioning about her. i get it." chanyeol gritted his teeth. "she's your girlfriend, so? i know damn well."

"why are you getting mad, chanyeol?" baekhyun snapped.

"i don't know, maybe im just sick and tired of you mentioning about her around me!" chanyeol shouted.

"i don't understand you,'re being too petty towards my girlfriend!" baekhyun defended.

"let's see if she's gonna last long being your girlfriend and who'll end up hurting...mark my words, baekhyun." chanyeol gripped his pen tightly in annoyance.

"yah! how dare you say that?!" baekhyun quickly stood up and he pulled his chair out of the way and it fell with a loud thud in the whole class. they all gaped at them in awestruck.

chanyeol frowned and continued doing his work like nothing happened. baekhyun took his paper and crumpled the paper angrily. "why the fuck would you ruin my work?!" chanyeol snatched his paper back. "i worked so fucking hard for that you piece of shit!"

"you shouldn't disrespect my relationship with taeyeon you fucking asshole!" baekhyun grabbed chanyeol's collar and chanyeol angrily tossed the paper away.

"you will regret doing this to me, baekhyun." chanyeol glared.

"get lost! get out of the class!" baekhyun pushed chanyeol harshly.

"who are you to demand me?!-" chanyeol shouted back.

"shut up you two! we're trying to study here, stop shouting!" suho interrupted. "you better stop quarreling before the principal sees you!"

"calm down." i held chanyeol's shoulder down until he sat forcefully. he panted from all the shouting. "hold your jealousy."

"it's okay, baekhyun. stop thinking about taeyeon, she'll be fine. focus on your studies." kyungsoo calmed baekhyun down while massaging his back in a short of time.

"why is that idiot touching baekhyun?" chanyeol glared at kyungsoo. "aish!" he slammed the table harshly and facepalmed himself.

"chanyeol, you should control your temper, i swear." i groaned. he stood up suddenly and raged out of the classroom. "where do you think you're going?" i chased after him.

he headed straight to the men's toilet and washed his face roughly out of anger. he stayed looking at his face on the mirror, frowning. "im fine." he said.

"i know you're frustrated about baekhyun-"

"he'll never like me back, isn't it?" he broke into his laughter. "he's just so blind to even realize that i like him. why would he even mention about the girl he loves around me when all it does is break my heart. i had enough!" chanyeol clenched his fists. "he'll never realize so why am i still trying?"

"he's gonna realize soon. don't give up yet." i comforted and he stared at me with glossy eyes. "they're not gonna last forever. it's not like they're gonna marry tomorrow, chanyeol."

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