thirty eight

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i was too desperate for his kiss and i couldn't help it. it felt nothing like suho's...i like how sehun's kiss made me feel some type of way. suho and i didn't do anything explicit with each other, i think we only kissed twice in almost a month. i admit, we did have a boring relationship. "are you okay, yixing?" sehun asked me again.

"yes. i am." i sighed. "i knew it would end up like this...suho didn't look very interested in me after two weeks."

"i bet everyone's interested in you..." he lifted my chin up. "at least, i am."

"stop it, sehun. you're not into me." i laughed it off.

"who isn't interested in you? come on...everyone's probably gay for you in the head." he lifted me up easily and sat me on the teacher's desk and held my thighs.

"i don't want to get another detention for this. get off." i brushed his hands away from my thighs.

"there are no teachers around anymore. school time is over." he said. "let's get out of here." he offered me his hand and i refused it, i don't like being treated like some royal person. once i got off the teacher's desk, he intertwined his fingers with mine delicately and i smiled. i didn't reject it either.

"sehun, what are we doing?" i asked, glancing at our hands.

"we've done more explicit things than this, yixing." sehun brushed his thumb on my hand. "do you need a ride?"

"no...i have my own car with me." i said. we got out of school and now we were in the parking lot area but he still haven't let go of my hand. "sehun, i need to go home." i said, glancing at our hands. signaling him that he should let me go.

"then i'll go with you. you'll probably cry again at home because of suho and i don't want that." sehun raised a brow.

"what are you talking about? i won't! you made me feel better already..." i trailed off and he snatched my car key in my pocket, starting my car engine. "sehun-" i clicked my tongue.

he wanted to drive for me and told me to get on the front seat. "this is my car, i should drive it." i glared at him and he chuckled.

"i want to drive for you, idiot." he winked jokingly at me and i turned my face away from him. just like that, he made me blush like hell. "tell me im a gentleman." he raised a brow.

"no for real, what about your car?" i asked.

"i'll deal with my problems later. your problems come first." sehun said and accelerated the car. thank god, i had my seatbelt fastened. he drives like some professional racer or something, i had my eyes closed the whole time.

"fucking slow down, will you?" i held my heaved chest. "im not letting you drive my car again." i slapped his arm playfully.

"whatever you say, baby." he accelerated again once the red light vanished to green. "sometimes you gotta experience some awful shit."

"yah, sehun. i'll beat you up after this." i clenched my fists and he smirked.

"i've experienced getting beat up quite, im not scared anymore." he quirked his lips and i felt awkward all of a sudden. he was mentioning about luhan.

"oh...right. you know, you should forget about...him." i sighed. "you were hurting because of him."

"just say his fucking name, yixing! it's luhan. i can't forget about him after what he did to me. im not that pathetic anymore." he gripped the steering wheel, furrowing his brows. "the guy that i once loved..." he hit the steering wheel hardly, chuckling bitterly and i jumped. he curved to the right suddenly to my house and parked my car without hesitating. "get out of the car." he demanded, even though it's my car. "my head hurts, im sorry." he supported himself by leaning next to a wall and rubbed his temples. he let out a sigh and groaned.

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