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"omo!" xiumin exclaimed as he widened his eyes while staring at his phone.

"is everything okay?" i asked, half awake.

"luhan just sent me recording." xiumin said, confused.

" startled me. do seniors usually like waking up this early?" i checked my phone for the time.

"he says it's about sehun." xiumin turned up the volume of his phone and clicked play.


that's sehun's voice! i quickly got up from the sleeping bag and went closer to xiumin's phone. i couldn't believe what i just heard again.

"its luhan." luhan said.

"you're not the same as yixing..."

i gasped and widened my eyes in shock. "why did he say that?!"

"he's mumbling in his sleep." xiumin smirked and texted luhan back. "why is he moaning your name suddenly?"

"i don't happened before." i laughed.

"are you guys secretly dating?!" xiumin exclaimed.

"aniya! what kind of nonsense is that!" i yelled.

"then he must be dreaming wet about you..." xiumin cheekily smirked. heated blood were rushing up my cheeks, making my cheeks soft pink in color.

"he forgot to bring his he cuddled me accidentally and kept begging me to stay with him when i tried escaping but he wasn't aware of his words." i explained.

"knowing sehun, he probably made stupid excuses like that." xiumin said.

"but...he wasn't...hard, you know." i said innocently. "he didn't have a wet dream."

"fine, he was telling the truth then." xiumin burst out laughing.

"why would luhan record sehun though?" i asked.

"luhan's a sly fox. can't be trusted at times..." xiumin exposed. i was kind of shocked at that statement. "but in a good way, i guess." he continued. i felt slightly relieved hearing that.

"recording sehun moaning isn't a good thing though? people will think we were doing something inappropriate..." i furrowed my eyebrows, cringing. what's dangerous was sehun's moaning my name.

"relax, he's just sending it to me not anyone else. you and sehun can trust me, right? im your senior after all." xiumin said. i just nodded and felt defeated.

"so you're going back with sehun later? we can't stay long as partners because the teacher will scold us for exchanging partners, what's worse is that you're a junior and im a senior." he said carefully, not saying it out loud. i laid on the sleeping bag, trying to sleep back and ignore all the little drama happening. i just hummed in response. "you like laying so much, should i call you lay?" he teased but i drifted back to sleep while he stayed awake and organized the tent.


xiumin went out and left me on my own in the tent, i had no idea where he was. i sneaked out of the tent so the other seniors couldn't report me or see me wandering around in the senior area. carefully not to step on dried leaves which can make crack sounds. "you don't have to do that, are you kidding me?" kris made me jump in shock.

"don't report me please!" i felt my heart beating so fast out of nervousness. he offered me his manly hand out to help me get up and more support.

"idiot, who's gonna report you? why were you acting like you're shooting some spy movie and shit? that's hilarious." kris just smirked and stared at me. "by the way, you were too obvious, thankfully im the one who caught you." kris sipped his canned drink.

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