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"luhan hyung?" i turned my head to look at who just stepped in the tent. "what are you doing here?" i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"i'll be your partner for the night. yixing's with minseok for now, don't worry about him." he smiled. i stared blankly at him, his smile was so mesmerizing it felt amazing to look at.

"oh...worry? not at all." i strongly denied.

"so, why does yixing want to leave you alone?" he asked.

"i don't know, that's just his douchebag move to leave me. anyways, im fine being alone." i sighed.

"you're not alone, im here to accompany you." he smiled once again. i couldn't help but twitched a smile. "did you just smile? woah." he teased. i rolled my eyes playfully and he laughed. even his laugh sounded like an angel.

"why do you think yixing went to the seniors' tents rather than juniors' tents?" i wondered curiously.

"he's just weird and maybe xiumin's the only one who's actually comfortable with him in your group of boys." luhan said. "so i let him take my place for a's not gonna be long though." he giggled.

"andwae...suho hyung is more comfortable with yixing." i protested.

"you never know." luhan sighed. "are you sure its okay for me to sleep here? and replace yixing? are you not missing him?"

"no, really. im grateful." i smirked. we talked about every small little things together and got to know each other really well than last time. he sure is a manly man with an innocent look on his face, his personality is quite fun to be with. i was looking forward to be closer with him.

"let's boil some ramen outside, shall we? im really hungry." i suggested. he nodded and went along with it. i brought two cups of ramen noodles, for both luhan and i only. he prepared the electrical boiling water and we waited for like 10 minutes for it to boil. luhan teased me until he made me laugh, he sure is a fun guy. i've never laughed so hard like this before.

"it's okay luhan hyung, i'll pour it for you." i poured the boiling water to his cup without hesitating.

"i was just gonna do it myself, thank you sehun." he smiled and took the cup.

"ah, shit! that's hot!" i fanned my heated lips and almost spilled the ramen cup.

"here, i brought some. wait for it to cool for a second." luhan wiped my mouth and handed it to me afterwards. i kindly smiled and thanked him.

"aigoo, look at them." kyungsoo nudged chanyeol and interrupted our conversation, sitting infront of us. "having some ramen without us?" kyungsoo and chanyeol exchanged looks.

"you guys are seriously cockblockers." i frowned.

"we want some too." chanyeol said, passing a ramen cup to kyungsoo and for himself. "too bad, we're joining." he sat beside kyungsoo too. i hissed at them. luhan just kindly let them enjoy their ramen.

"i got this." i reached my hand on luhan's cheek which some ramen seasoning got stuck there so i quickly removed it for him. luhan just grinned and thanked me, i smiled in return.

"aigoooo! look at them! there's no time to be romantic, sehun." chanyeol grinned.

"hyung..." i sighed in defeat. chanyeol then comforted me and said he was just joking.

"i've seen yixing with xiumin hyung earlier at the seniors' tents area." kyungsoo rambled and stared at me. i ignored his stare and ate my ramen peacefully.

"where's kai and baekhyun hyung?" i asked suddenly.

"they're playing some boring games. eating is better." kyungsoo said.

"without kai, im more peaceful than ever." i joked.

"so are we just gonna forget about what happened that night with yixing and sehun?" chanyeol brought the worst subject ever while eating ramen. i almost choked on the noodles. luhan, kyungsoo and chanyeol looked at me and smirked.

"mweo?! mind your own business." i scolded. "our lips didn't even touch!" i lied.

"i witnessed everything, how dare you lie to us, oh sehun." kyungsoo faked a gasp.

"you guys will forever haunt me with that horrible memory aren't you?" i asked. they nodded in agreement. "oh god" i said, pissed.

"even i can't forget about that gay kiss." chanyeol said.

"shut up, gay boy." i snapped.

"im not gay." chanyeol gritted his teeth. kyungsoo looked at him and smirked.

"caught in a lie." kyungsoo teased back. chanyeol then tried his best not to exaggerate back.

"you can't hide from that, chanyeol. it's pretty obvious." luhan then interfered the conversation and high fived with kyungsoo. chanyeol just rolled his eyes.


"luhan hyung, do you...usually like to be cuddled?" i asked carefully.

"sure, it's cozy why not." he just nodded.

"what if a boy's cuddling you?" i clenched my fists out of nervousness.

"it's okay as long as he's known by me." he smiled again. damn it, luhan. stop made me feel cautious. he took off his shirt and it revealed his toned abs and slim body. i felt the saliva clumping inside my mouth just by staring at it. he took another sleeveless shirt for him to wear tonight. he caught me staring and just smiled. ignored like nothing happened. well that was a huge relief. "sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. im usually comfortable taking off my shirt without telling." he said.

" problem. we're guys there's nothing to be ashamed of." i awkwardly said. he just giggled and nodded.

"oh well. goodnight, sehun." he covered his face with the blanket yixing left before. i slowly got into the sleeping bag and faced our backs together like i did with yixing. 

"goodnight, hyung." i whispered as i shut my eyes to sleep.



i woke up at 3 am by hearing the sound of soft snores behind me. i'm usually a morning person anyways, i love waking up early. it felt tight around me and suddenly realized sehun was wrapping his arms around me. it startled me at first. then i decided to let him cuddle me for a while without moving and played with my phone.

"yixing..." he moaned out quietly. what the fuck? i caught off guard and started to move a little.

"don't move please..." he mumbled and pulled me closer. i stayed quiet and tried to process whatever just happened. he called me yixing?

"why are you so cold?...are you yixing?..." he mumbled and shivered with his eyes still closed. i couldn't stand his soft mumbles anymore it gave me goosebumps so i slowly unwrapped his arms around me. sorry about that, sehun. im usually cold i couldn't stay warm like yixing.

"its luhan." i said and sat up. then sehun's eyes started to twitch but he was still unaware.

"you're not the same as yixing..." sehun rambled and grabbed the blanket i used and hugged it. i just smiled at what he just said. it was all about yixing huh? that was kind of shocking.

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