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i woke up feeling slighty sore from the uncomfortable sleeping bag they gave us for free. i stopped moving too much when i suddenly realized both arms were wrapped around my torso tightly. i froze instantly and screamed internally. i checked my phone for the time and it was pretty early too.

what happened to the wool string he told me several times not to cross when he did it himself?! for now, i couldn't do anything at all.

i tried to move his hands slowly away from my torso, carefully not to wake him up...he hummed and cuddled me back without letting me go this time, his cuddling was too tight and it barely made me easily breathe. "stay..." he mumbled quietly, still not aware of what he said.

i sighed, unwrapping his arms around me once again with force. i changed my position stealthily and somehow ended up facing sehun's face, which wasn't a good idea at all. i tried to reposition once again but sehun caught me moving too much and brought me closer to him and wrapped both of his legs and arms around my whole body. there was no way i can escape...

"warm..." he mumbled and i felt so uncomfortable burying my face in his chest. you felt so warm too, sehun. i should've just wake him up, but i thought he was too tired last night and it could be seen by his dark circles so i just let him get more sleep. but i should escape out of his forceful cuddling like right now...

"sehun, listen-" i trailed off.

"shhhh." he said, still oblivious. he was obviously gonna kick off after he found out what he's been doing all night.

"sehun, stop it let me go." i said.

"stay with me..." he trailed his hand down my body slowly, stopped until my torso. his eyes were still closed and relaxed, he was still asleep...i froze, goosebumps were starting to take over my body, i gulped. good thing, he stopped until my fucking torso. i quickly moved his hands and legs away, i couldn't stand it anymore.

"sehun, y-you don't know what you're doing...wake up." i pushed him slightly. no response.

"wake up!" i shouted. he rubbed his eyes and looked at his surroundings, widening his eyes when he saw my face inches closer to his.

"what are you doing! idiot! stay away!" he sat up quickly, his voice very raspy in the morning. "i told you not to cross the wool string!"

"you were cuddling me so tight i couldn't breathe, sehun!" i argued. he froze immediately.

"w-what?" he asked cluelessly.

"forget it, you would still make me take all the blame anyways." i sighed.

"wasn't pinku pinku the one i cuddled last night?" his face looked so gullible i wanted to laugh.

"your doll isn't here, you forgot to bring it, paboya."

"b-but it felt so warm and wasn't pinku pinku." sehun suddenly hit the realization and backed away. "you should've pushed me away or make me not cuddle you for fuck's sake!" sehun yelled. "i am disgusted." he gave me a dirty look.

"don't you dare let it happen again for 1 week straight, well shit im doomed." sehun freaked out.

"arasso, i'll just shove you away harshly next time. don't complain if you don't get enough sleep." i groaned. "why are you so problematic? i should've exchanged partners with someone else..." i muttered quietly.

"exchange partners?! okay go on, i don't care." sehun laughed insincerely. he heard that...

"it's too late now." i snapped.

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now