thirty five

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as usual, yixing didn't want to make eye contact with me after what happened last night again. how can he transform into an innocent guy like he always is but a total kinky babe in bed? i find it incredibly amusing...fuck, zhang yixing.

"hey, baby boy." i smirked and rested my hand on his thigh.

"sehun, fuck off." he giggled and let me touch his thigh under the desk.

"baby boy?!" baekhyun gasped. "what the fuck did i just hear? sehun saying baby boy to yixing hyung?" i smirked and yixing glanced at me.

"why do i get those kind of vibes from you both?" baekhyun asked suspiciously.

"...what vibes?" yixing and i said at the same time.

"sexual tension." he smirked at us. "a very strong one..."

"oh please, what are you on about baek?" yixing laughed nervously. "we're always this awkward."

"actually, i get those vibes too..." kyungsoo stared at us suspiciously until yixing blushed and covered his face with a book. "did you guys have sex-"

"yah! stop your dumb asses before i slap you." i said to baekhyun and kyungsoo and rested my head on the desk, facing away from them.

"alright, sebooty." baekhyun threw his hands up and exchanged looks with kyungsoo like they know what happened between yixing and i. "finally getting the booty-" he rhymed.

"hyung!" i yelled and they laughed. yixing groaned and decided to exchange seats with chen. "aish...jjinja." i hissed.

"how was it?" kyungsoo whispered.

"you guys are so fucking horny, im done." i sighed. "we would never do things like that, that's disgusting!"

"oh? who tops and who bottoms?" baekhyun continued to tease me until my cheeks felt heated.

"i swear to god, hyung." i hid my face with my bare hands. "we barely even talk..." i lied.

kyungsoo and baekhyun exchanged looks and stared at me at the same time, smirking. "sure, sehun~"


chanyeol told us through text that he had something important to tell us. he told us to meet him somewhere hidden in the school. i arrived a bit late to be honest, it was on purpose. i was spying yixing and suho together...they looked too fucking comfortable, i don't like it at all.

they headed to the place where chanyeol told us to meet him and i slowly followed them behind their backs. when i got there, they sat together with suho's hand on yixing's thigh while yixing put his arm around suho. my mood suddenly dropped harder.

"yah sehun...why are you late?" chanyeol raised a brow.

"okay why are you being like a douchebag?" i rolled my eyes. "for some reason, does it matter?"

"its not really that important, but chanyeol says it is." baekhyun smiled at him.

"so...what is it?" kris yawned.

chanyeol suddenly locked his arm with baekhyun and smiled at each other. "we're officially a...thing." baekhyun blushed.

"you gays are cute for each other, im not gonna lie..." chen said.

they all gasped except kris, who showed no reaction and me. i just crossed my arms and forced a smile. "the fucking suspense." kris exhaled.

"but hey, aren't you happy for us?" baekhyun smirked at kris.

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