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cotton wools, plasters...there had to be at least one. i strode off the tent to find those items. i asked the guys if they had one but they just shook their heads, telling me there was none.

i walked to suho & chen's tent, suho should have one since he's too aware of his health...even protein powder alongside with a huge shaker, anything's possible. "hyung..." i peeked inside their tent. both of them hummed in response.

"which hyung are you talking to?" chen said awkwardly.

"of course, suho hyung." i smirked. chen shot me a dirty look and told me to get lost.

"what do you want?" suho said tiredly.

"plasters, bandages, cotton wools or anything to seal cuts." i said.

"oh? suddenly? you look fine though." suho studied my body.

"yah, stop staring at my body you look like a pervert." i scolded him mercilessly.

"why do you need those items?" suho asked, accepting his defeat.

"just tell me if you have them or no." i groaned.

"i forgot to bring them, i have medicines though." suho handed me a medicine. i just sighed and rubbed the nape of my neck feeling nervous suddenly.

"wae? what's wrong with you? why don't you ever tell me reasons huh?" suho quickly asked before i went away. "yeah...wae?" chen suddenly joined in the conversation.

"nothing, a bird just hurt itself and its bleeding...i thought i could help." i made up reasons.

"how stupid are you sehun? birds need special treatments not plasters like humans." suho chuckled.

"you know, like 4/10 stupid." i admitted. "you don't even have to worry since you're a solid -10/10 stupid." i sneered at suho and he just told me to go save the 'bird' somehow.

"yeah, see you later tonight at the campfire gathering sehun." chen zipped their tent before i could say my words back, well nevermind.

i tried searching some more people that looked like they have a first aid kit or something, but i just couldn't see it in their faces they all look like they can't save themselves for fucks sake. "watch where you're going, junior." a tall guy with ear phones in his ears said while i bumped onto his shoulder accidentally. i apologized sincerely, he sounded like a foreigner. he just nodded and patted my back.

"aigoo, where are these plasters im going crazy finding them...aish." i muttered to myself while putting my hands in my pockets, still judging the others' faces. at that moment, i found that one girl that tried to feel my chest in the hallways fixing her makeup with a huge mirror on her left hand. i could try and disturb her...or maybe ask for the plasters.

i stood infront of her, waiting for her to notice my presence. "oh sehun." she put down her mirror and crossed her legs, smiling forcefully. "what brings you here?"

"you don't need to act flirty im not seduced." i cockily said. she gasped and furrowed her eyebrows.

"how rude. well that's just the popular, oh sehun." she suddenly smirked.

"do you have any cotton wools?" i ignored her fake shy laugh and just tried to hurry for yixing's sake.

"maybe i have, maybe i don't." she pouted, purposely being playful and annoying.

"yah, you must have cotton wools for your ridiculous makeup remover. hurry, i need them." i hissed.

"should've been nicer to me..." i almost cursed at her but then she cut me off. "but since you're oh sehun, the most popular and hot guy in school, i'll give you." she winked and handed the cotton wools to me. "call me." she gave me her phone number that was written on a piece of paper.

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