twenty five

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"sehun and i will have a movie date together. just us two." luhan linked his arm with mine.

"sure, kyungsoo and i will have a date too." kai smirked at kyungsoo and he just smiled.

"xiumin and chen hyung can join us." kyungsoo stick his tongue at kai. kai frowned and crossed his arms.

"seriously, stop flirting you two." i rolled my eyes at kaisoo.

"yes baekhyun!" chanyeol shrieked and hugged baekhyun tightly. "im so happy to be with you."

"chill." baekhyun laughed.

"well, i guess i'll just go with yixing." suho put his arm around yixing. "have fun." suho waved us all and headed to another direction.

luhan and i headed to the movie theatre forcefully. i averted my gaze with him pretty much all the time. "what movie do you wanna watch?" luhan asked, still linking his arm with mine.

"uhh, you choose." i said, not bothering about what movie we should watch.

"something romantic?" he raised a brow.

"no, that sucks ass." i showed a disgusted face.

"come on, it's fun." he laughed and dragged me into the theatre room. i groaned and just followed him. i must say this 'date' wasn't really special to me, i didn't enjoy the movie one bit. at some point, i ended up sleeping quietly. after the theatre, luhan took me shopping everywhere in the men section but it took hours for him to finish shopping. i yawned when asked which one's better. i widened my eyes when he put all the things he wanted to buy on the payment section.

"total prize is $2123." the cashier told. i just looked at luhan, hoping he got all that money on him. i definitely wasn't paying for his things...he stared back at me with a doomed look after rummaging his wallet. i raised my eyebrows while crossing my arms.

"shit, i only have $100." he muttered and put his wallet back in his pocket. he gave me a sweet look and begged for me to pay his expensive things. "pretty please, sehunnie~"

"then reduce the things you think you won't really need." i furrowed my brows.

"...i want them all." luhan pouted. "baby, please." he grabbed my hand, acting clingy. i sighed and handed my card to the cashier.

"thank you~" luhan said cutely.

"whatever. that's $2123, hyung. expensive." i sighed heavily but ended up paying his damn things. i didn't buy a single thing. there were five huge bags in total with some heavy clothes in them. luhan carried one, and i carried four. but he said it was heavy and couldn't stand any longer carrying it. "i'll carry it for you." i took the bag he struggled with.

"the things you do for me." luhan smirked. "good boy." he patted my back. there were alot of weight pulling me down from the bags but had to endure it. the things i did for him.

"where do you want to go next?" luhan asked.

"home." i groaned.

"oh come on, you're no fun." luhan rolled his eyes. he dragged me to somewhere but bumped into kai and kyungsoo. xiumin and chen got lost somewhere i guess.

"shit...that's alot of bags." kai glanced down at the bags i carried. "who paid?" he smirked.

"sehunnie." luhan smiled.

"what a sugar daddy." kai smirked at me. i almost slammed these bags to his face. "those must be expensive...yah sehun, why don't you buy me things too?" kai pouted.

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