forty two

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"i don't know what to do...where's yixing? what am i gonna do?!" i wandered across my bedroom and stressed myself out.

"sehun, don't panic. we'll help you find yixing and xiumin." kai sighed and searched something in my computer.

"how am i supposed to chill when my boyfriend's gone!" i shouted. "something feels off..."

"it's possible that xiumin's with luhan because luhan was in his house after he escaped, im sure xiumin would make him go away...but i don't know about yixing..." kai scratched his head in confusion. "wait, how'd you know yixing's with xiumin?" kai glanced at me.

" a note. it was on yixing's bed." i took out the note and handed it to him.

"when? did you sneak out last night?!" kai glared at me. "sehun! luhan could've ambushed you-"

"im not dead yet so you should be thankful." i hissed.

"hm...something isn't right about this note..." kai stared at it suspiciously. "yixing never talks like this to you."

"maybe he was taking it too seriously, that's why he-" i stopped myself when i accidentally looked at the back of the paper kai was holding. it was a smeared fingerprint...covered in red. blood? "jongin..." i widened my eyes and snatched the note back from him and showed him the fingerprint. "why didn't i see this before? is it...blood?"

"that's obviously blood!" kai gasped. "why is yixing's finger covered in blood?"

"it may not be his fingerprint...maybe its someone else''re right, this isn't how yixing interact with me...and certainly his handwriting's more neater but messy like he's in a rush." i glanced at it again, analyzing it seriously. i looked at the dried blood again, what if yixing's just trying to scare me? but it may not be logical...he wouldn't do that.

"i think yixing's in danger and he didn't call anyone." kai said. "and so is xiumin least xiumin called tao...i don't know!" he groaned.

"he is in danger! why would a random blood be on this paper on purpose?!" this whole situation started to confuse me.

"maybe it is on purpose! they wanted to give a sign to's a damn clue." kai flicked my forehead. "criminals like to play games first, sehun. bare that in mind. i play video games too much."

"you think luhan did this?" i glared at him. "hell, i don't even remember how his handwriting looks like...i can't let yixing with that psychopath!" i shouted.

"luhan won't kill yixing that easily, sehun. if i was him, i'd like to kill yixing infront of your eyes." kai said and i clenched my fists. "i know that deep in my heart, yixing's not dead yet."

"why the fuck do you sound like yixing's boyfriend when that's supposed to be my fucking line?!" i groaned. "go get kyungsoo, aish."

"he's probably not interested in me..." kai laughed. "i just like teasing him, isn't he cute?"

"cute, yeah..." i crossed my arms and he frowned. "but yixing's definitely cuter." i continued.

"aniya! kyungsoo's hotter, cuter, the most handsome person in the whole world-" kai argued.

"yah! yixing's good in bed, hotter, sexier, cuter, more innocent...well-" i argued back. we argued about the guys we're attracted to until one of us gave up. we were too tired to talk again.

i stared at my phone, waiting for a text message from yixing...but i know he won't. i sighed and felt hopeless...when will i get him back? "i miss him..." i said quietly. "so head hurts thinking about him."

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