twenty four

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i saw another viral rumor about sehun. which wasn't clearly a rumor anymore, everyone knew it was true. minho was smirking and laughed at his phone. "what's so funny?" i sighed.

"sehun rumors always spread's impressive." he said.

"that's clearly not a good rumor...there are hateful comments about sehun." i scrolled through my phone. "whoever exposed him has to be so fucking sorry to him."

"caring about sehun now?" he raised a brow and typed something on his phone. another notification popped up, another hateful comment. it must be a huge coincidence.

"are you seriously sending hate to sehun anonymously?!" i gritted my teeth.

" not a hateful person, yixing." he acted nice. my phone kept popping up notifications after he typed something. it was definitely him sending hate.

"stop that, minho. what if sehun's suicidal?" i glared at him. "what if he can't stand all the hate?"

"listen, that prick deserves it." minho smirked. "you wanna know who spreaded the rumor?" i just furrowed my eyebrows.

"me, and im not sorry at all." he smiled and kept typing. i gasped and felt the anger boiling within me. i was speechless. he's such a snake...

"get your shit together! you just revealed his deep secret to the public!" i shouted and it startled him. "why would you do that?!"

"shouldn't sehun be the one who's offended here?" minho smirked.


i felt really bad after what happened to sehun...i couldn't do anything, right? he didn't want to talk even if i asked him. i just stood there watching all the people throwing things at him...i clearly saw the bruise on his jaw that he tried to hid. he glared at me when i saw him, there was nothing i could do. where was luhan when sehun needed him the most? what a great boyfriend to leave sehun hurting...

he frustratedly slammed his car door shut and started the engine immediately. he accelerated too fast, which left me worrying so bad.

"don't worry about him, yixing." someone held my shoulder from the back. minho. "he can handle it."

"get away from me." i shoved his hand away and sneered at him.

"what happened to our friendship?" he pouted.

"not anymore." i glared at him and flashed a middle finger.

"y-yixing im still your frie-" he blinked unbelievably and someone pulled his arm.

"we were waiting for you, idiot. let's go." the guy scolded.

"wait! key, im not done yet with yixing-" but key dragged him away already. thank god.


camping day was over and school's still going the next day. sehun didn't show up for about three days in a started to bother me really badly. i gripped my pencil and tried to concentrate on the subject we were studying but sehun kept bothering me in my mind. "ah, jjinja. where is that idiot?" baekhyun said. "you're really quiet when he's not here..."

"i am? don't be silly." i chuckled nervously.

"yeah, seriously. i think you need him." baekhyun smirked. "you didn't even try to volunteer answering people's questions today but sehun when he couldn't answer a thing." i rolled my eyes and froze when the teacher lood at our direction.

"byun baekhyun! eyes on the board!" the teacher scolded and baekhyun immediately gulped. the teacher kept eyeing us the whole lesson.

but when the teacher wasn't looking, baekhyun being such a stubborn guy, kept looking back at me. "i just want to talk to you, you seem very lonely at the back without sehun, it's weird because i always hear you guys arguing behind me-" baekhyun chattered.

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