forty three

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- before -

"go home safe, tao." after tao left me alone in my house, i quickly locked my door after greeting him goodbye. i turned the television off and closed all the blinds as the moonlight shone through the window. the atmosphere became silent again but not until kai kept sending me texts. i replied to him straight away, throwing my phone on the bed then took off my clothes to take a brisk shower. i sang as loud as i can in the shower, who cares? nobody will hear me...

after i took a cold shower, i headed straight to the kitchen, making myself hot coffee. i kept turning my face backwards because the atmosphere suddenly became weird...but there was nothing. i proceeded brewing the coffee while humming to my favorite song. i was waiting for sehun's text but i guess kai took care of him already, sehun didn't text me at all that night. he needed to take a rest from me, i understand...that was why i didn't try to text him either.

i heard a sound coming from my a slamming sound, which rang into my ears. causing my mug to spill and break on the floor, the hot liquid burned my foot and the pieces of sharp glasses cut my skin. i winced quietly and grabbed the first aid kit inside the cabinet in the kitchen, applying the plaster to my foot. i picked up the glass one by one and cleaned the spill thoroughly. whenever i tried to face backwards, i felt like something wasn't right at all...i felt like someone was watching me.

i slumped slowly to my room with my stinging right foot, checking out what that sound was about. nothing...nothing fell off or anything. i rubbed the back of my neck and refused to think about it further. it must be the neighbors...i headed back outside the room and it suddenly smelled like smoke. i checked the stove, it's turned off. where was that smoke smell from? i groaned and opened a window to let the smoke escape out. then i heard another frightening sound coming from my room...i started to feel unsafe. did a burglar tried to rob my things? i clenched my fist as i turned the door knob to my room.

a sound of sweet laughter could be heard right infront of me, the smell of smoke getting stronger. luhan was sitting on my bed with his legs crossed and cheeks thinning from sucking his cigarette and exhaling it while laughing. "playing with you isn't so bad after makes you look dumb." he smirked. "you should've find me, yixing. that's not how you play hide and seek."

"y-you..." i gulped and my legs started to feel wobbly. "how did you get here, you psychopath?!" i raged, stepping backwards away from him, ready to call the police in the living room but he was quick enough to throw a small pocket knife right beside my head, thankfully it only stabbed my door.

"oh come on now, we're not done yet here." luhan smirked and exhaled his last smoke before throwing the cigarette outside my window. "how have you been, yixing? that's not a way to greet your mentally sick friend." he stood up and brushed his clothes, getting closer to me.

"throwing knives at me isn't a great way either." i hissed. "get out of my house, luhan. i mean no harm." i gulped.

"hmm, we'll see about that." luhan pouted and took out the knife beside my head and put it back in his back pocket. "scared?" he smirked. i didn't try to move an inch after what he did, he got me. i shook my head in response and he trailed his finger on my jaw, my goosebumps started to rise.

"you should be." he grabbed my jaw with his two fingers harshly, putting so much pressure into it. it hurt so much that i could barely even talk. "zhang yixing, what should i do with you? you're so helpless. sehun will not help you." luhan cracked his fingers and laughed.

"l-luhan please go away-" i begged and he grabbed me by the collar tightly, almost leaving me breathless. he later wrapped his hand around my neck and slammed my head on the wall harshly. he slapped me so hard and punched me in the stomach with his sharp knee, slamming me against the wall again. i could taste the blood in my mouth dripping out and he dropped me on the floor.

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