Chapter 1

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Pooja POV.

I looked at my watch, it's 11 pm at night.

"Sara will be very angry at me for working late again", I murmured. I packed all my stuff in my bag and headed towards exit. I entered into elevator and reached at ground floor.

I said "Good night" to Mr.Cooper, the liftman of my office and he greeted me back by saying "Safe journey Miss Mehta", and with that I exited my office building.

Now I'm standing at a "Stop" sign waiting for any vehicle which will take me to my home.

*Bang Bang Bang Bang*

I heard a loud sound of a gunshots being continuous fired. My eyes is now wide open as a saucer cup. I panicked and started shaking like a leaf.

"Oh My God! What was that sound, I don't wanna die. Are some criminal gangs having a ceasefire this openly at night. Should I go there and check, No No stupid idea, this is too dangerous, I should call cops" with that I dialled to nearest police station.

"Hello, police station"

"Yes, ma'am"

"I'm standing right in front of Bostan Enterprise's where the Stop sign is and I heard gun shots from next block, maybe someone is hurt. I don't know what to do. Please come fast"

"Ok, Ma'am we will there in five"

After calling police, I decided to go in that direction where I heard gun shots. Then, I saw bodies of multiple people laying in a pool of their blood. I don't know whether these people are alive or not. Suddenly a black figure grabbed me and I fall flat on my back. I shrieked, "Let me go". But that black figure didn't moved. Instead it said, "Help me" before almost passing out.

"Omg, Hey are you okay?"

I pushed that heavy figure to lay besides me. But nothing comes out from his mouth except mourn. Street lights are dim and I cannot see his face. But from his size I can guess easily he a man around the age of 27-28 years. I sat down and saw all of his blood on my clothes. He was shot two times in his belly. I took my sarf and tie it tightly around his stomach to stop bleeding.

"Hey, hey don't worry I have already called police they will be here within a minute, Don't close your eyes".

Then, I heard police siren. After that they took that injured man in the amublance. It was a miracle out of all the dead bodies laying there, he was only alive in them.
After a few mintues of inquiry by police. They took me towards hospital to check on the injured man's condition, I also give statements as a sole witness of this incident and fulfill all the medical requirements and written forms.

Sara POV.

"She is working late again, When will she understand, it is too dangerous to stay late at night. Every day we hear news about someone being killed by gangs and criminals" I sighed. I am now really getting worried about her.

*Mobile phone rings*

"Hello, Dr Thomas"


"You have to come immediately, we are have an emergency"

"What emergency", I asked

"Police arrived at hospital with a patient being shot twice in his belly"

"Ok, I'm on my way"

With that I hung up and headed towards hospital.

Someones life is at risk. I have to help them. I am a doctor after all. It's my duty to save them. When I reached hospital, I quickly got changed into my operating gown and fellow nurses showed me reports and filled in all info before operating him. We put him under anaesthesia and started operating him. Lucky for him those bullets didn't passed through his muscles otherwise he would have died due to internal injury. I took two bullets out of him and sew back his wound. He is a strong man.

Nurses helped to get him cleaned and bandaged, it's then I saw his face. I almost forgot to breath again. He is the most handsome man I have ever saw in my life. For all my life, I devoted myself to save people's live and never cared about getting involved in any relationship. And, I also know I am crushes of some many male doctors and patients in my hospital but I never paid them any attention.

But this man laying in front of me makes me question my rules. Why I am getting excited. Is this "LOVE"....

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