Chapter 53.

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This chapter is dedicated to greeneyes577 serethamcpherson Thank you so much guys for voting on my book .

Happu friendship day people, you guys are great. Thanks for supporting me all the way.

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Thank you so much readers.
Hugsand kisses 😘😘😘


Dominic POV.

*Jimmy Calling*

"Hello", i spoke.

"Boss....Zac...Zachary kidnapped Pooja", hearing those three words turned my world upside down.

"WHAT", i yelled on top of my lungs, making everyone grasp in fear.

"How did this all happened. And where were you at that time.  Didn't i told you to keep an eyes on her. Then how all this happened?", i asked him.

Zachary you bustard.

"Sir, me and Miss has come to purchase medicine for Dom. I went inside shop, but when i returned she wasn't in car. They took and her and left a note, written in that Zachary has kidnapped Miss", he spoke everything in one breath.

"You idiot who told you to take her with you. See what have you done. I swear if anything happens to her you and everyone in your family has to pay price for this. Now come back", i ordered him and disconnected my call.

Only and only one thought is running in my head. If Zachary tries to hurt her. In frustration i trashed my whole office.

I shouted her name on top of my lungs.

"Dom what happened?", Steve bulged in my room.

"That Zachary, that son of bitch has kidnapped Pooja as well", i yelled and took out my guns and shot on the nearest wall until all bullets has finished making hole in it.

"Dom stop it. Plan something to save them. This is not the time to lise your sanity. For god sake stop doing that", he told me.

"Call all our mens we are going to attack them tonight", i yelled.

"Dom don't take any desicion in harsh, you know it will only cost their lives. We need a proper plan before attacking them", as soon as he finished his sentence,  i grabbed him with his collar and pushed him to a wall.

"My life and her sister is their and your saying me to calm down"

"See that's why i told you to take no desicion in harsh, you have no control over your rage.  It will only ended up risking everyone's life. Think about it Dom", he advised.

"Sir someone is here to meet you", butler said.

I left Steve's collar and took deep breath in order to calm myself.

"What is it", i asked him

"Sir, his name is Issac Wilson, and he came here to talk something important with you", butler said.

"Issac", i grasped hearing his name.
He is the right hand of Zachary, but what he's doing here right now. I looked at Steve he struggled his shoulder and we direct went to meet out new guest.

We both moved to hall, when we saw him leaning on the counter, smoking a puff of smoke.

"What the hell you are doing here?", Steve yelled at him.

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