Chapter 37.

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Pooja POV.

I was in my room, sleeping peacefully. But suddenly temperature increased in my room. I was sweating badly. I guess A.C is not working. I opened my eyes. And my room is burning.

"Please save me" I yelled. I run towards the door, but the fire is massive. I can't even breathe.

"FIRE, FIRE,FIRE", i heard people screaming.  And then a pillar fall over me.

"Nooooooooo", i screamed and woke up from my dream.

"What happen Pooja, why are you screaming", Sara asked.

Was i dreaming, but it is so real. Is this a sign of something bad about to happen.

"Did you saw a nightmare", she said while handling me a glass of water.

I nodded.

"Relax, everything is fine", she cooed in my ears while hugging me.

"What happened to me Sara, why am i laying on bed", i asked her.

"You didn't remembered, you fainted in morning", Sara said.

"But i'm taking my medicine on time and having proper meal. Then how?", i asked her.

"Relax, relax it's because of excessive tension and stress. Dom was calling an ambulance for you. But i suggested him not to, i know you don't want to again face hospital", she said and chuckled.

"Yes, thank you. You're a life saver Sara", i said and pulled her cheeks like a small baby.

"Ah! Ah! It hurts bitch", she said.

"Pooja, i want to tell you something", Sara said, she looked worried.

"Pooja, you know, because of Mr. Malhotra's deal, Dom's company has lost an amount of  $200 million dollar", She told me and handed a newspaper.

Whose headlines are, Two business tycoons rivalry has caused $200 million dollars loss to D&J Enterprise.

"Oh my god! All this happened because of me naa", i said.

"Pooja, don't be sad. You can still stop all this", Sara said.

"But how, he didn't want me to help him", i said.

"Pooja, where is that fighter who always fights for others. How can you be a coward, you never followed rules in your lifes, you always did want you heart told you is correct, i'm just saying listen to your heart, take responsibility", Sara said while patting my head.

"Ofcouse i will. Because of me i cannot allow Dom company be at  loss of $200 millions, i will talk to Malhotra's", with that determination i got out from my bed, change into formals and headed to Malhotra's office.

Something is not good...

I'm having intuition that, it is not a good idea to go to Malhotra's...

Should i call Dom and tell him, i'm going to Malhotra's....

But i remembered what Sara said.

"Don't tell about anything. He will get again mad at you, don't okay?", Sara said.

Yes, i can't tell Dom...


I should leave a message to Steve, that i'm going to Malhotra's office, don't tell this to Dom.

Atleast, he's the one who will always stand by my side.

After pressing sent button, i felt relieved. Now i'm standing out a 30- storey building named as Malhotra's.

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