Chapter 39.

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Pooja POV.

"What happen Pooja? You okay, your dress?", Sara asked.

"Yea, i'm fine nothing bad happen. Steve and Dom reached on time", I told Sara.

"Oh My goodness! I'm so sorry Pooja...", Sara said but i cut her in mid.

"I'm fine Sara, Don't panic", i assured her.

She nodded,"go to your room", she said.

"Bed my bed, i'm coming. I just want to sleep nothing else", i mummered.

*4 hours later*

"Pooja, get up it's 7 in evening. You don't want to miss dinner", Sam yelled.

"I don't want to get up. Nor i have energy for all this", i said and covered my ears with pillow.

"Get up, or else you will be more week", Sam again yelled.

"Let me sleep. I can't get up", and i slept again.

*2 hours later*

"Pooja, pooja", someone sweetly calling my name.

How this can happen...

Everyone yells at me...

"Pooja, get up. Open your eyes"

"No go away. Letme sleep. I can't get up"

"Pooja, if you skip your meal, then you will be or more week, comeon be a good girl and get up" that voice said.

I slowly opens my eyes. And first thing i saw is Dom beautiful face, his eyes straight looking into mine. Those eyes hold so much affection and care. I'm mesmerized.

But again, he's expressions changed into stone.

"Get up and eat your meal", he said with stone voice. Then Sam entered in my room holding a tray of meals and put it on night stand.

"I don't want to eat anything. I'm not feeling hungry. I just want to sleep", i said and hid under covers.

"You can sleep after finishing your food. Don't test my patience", Dom said with cold voice.

"Bipolar much", i cursed him

"What did you said?", Dom asked while narrowing his eyes.

"Same what you heard. Can't you be nice towards me", i'm pissed off with his controlling behaviour.

"I'm already very nice towards you. If didn't then you won't be here in my mansion", he said.

"I don't want to argue with you. Go away letme sleep", i said.

This time Dom jerk me and make me sit on his lap.

"You stubborn girl. I hate when you don't listen", Dom said.

"Let me go", i pleaded.

"Oh! Not happening until you eat all this", He demanded.

"Now open you mouth", i did and he shoved spoonful food in my mouth.

*30 minutes later*

"Dom", i called his name.

"Hm?", he replied.

"Are you still angry with me for what i did today", i asked him while making pout.

He looked at me for a while, and nervously moved his hands on his neck.

"If anything happen to you today. I could never be able to forgive myself", he said.


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