Chapter 49.

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Pooja POV.

The news of Alia being kidnapped is like a someone has poured a bucket of ice water on me. My feets are rooting on ground. Dom asked me who was on the call, but my brain got stuck. Tears starts flowing from my eyes. Dom wiped them, but i was so lost in my own thought that i didn't even felt his touch.

"What happen Pooja?", Dom asked again. I was crying hysterically at that moment. This was the best day of my life. But Zachary ruined everything. My baby sister is kidnapped and here i'm enjoying.

Oh! God please keep her safe. Please punish me for my sins, not my baby sister. I was the reason she got kidnapped. How i am now gonna tell mom and dad about her kidnapping they will freak out. What should i do now?

I cried a lot.

"Zac...Zachary kid....kidnapped Alia", i lost my all strength and fall on ground. Dom tried to support me, but failed.

"Please Dom... save her, if anything happens to her, i won't able to live", i cried hysterically.

"Baby girl, please don't cry. I will, i will bring her back. Just trust me Pooja", Dom said.

My head is spinning, their is nothing left, my baby sister is gone because of me. Here i'm wasn't able to save her. It feels like i'm falling in an endless pit, no way to escape. I tried to keep open my eyes, but of no use.

"Pooja, are you okay", Dom said.

My voice is lost, couldn't find it. I want to speak but it didn't came out.

"Pooja hold on. Driver...", he yelled.

"Pooja... pooja" was the last voice u heard before falling in darkness.

Dominic POV.

"Damm it Zachary", I yelled i frustration.

I called Dante.

"Yes, Dom boss", he said.

"You bustard, i gave you one simple task. Only one simple task to keep Alia save. But you FAILED MISERABLY", i yelled at the last part.

"Sorry, Dom boss but i tried....", he said but i cut him in mid.

"You sorry, your sorry won't help me in bringing her back, get our mens ready. I am coming to Manchester", I said and hang up.

I lastly glanced at the beauty sleeping peacefully on bed. She lost her consciousness because of stress. I can feel her pain. It's not easy for anyone to handle such situation. But my girl is brave.

"I promise Pooja, i will bring back Alia safely, near you", i stood up and kissed her forehead.

I called my pilot to perpare plane for us. After two hours later, we flied back to Italy. I cannot drag Pooja in all this. I have to ensure her safety.

I cannot believe that, Zachary is so stupid to play games with me. He won't win. I won't let him harm me and my family.

After reaching Italy. I perpared three teams, one with our best fighters mens, one with professional it experts and one with sharp shooters. My best mans from all around the world i gathered.

Dante has never made any mistake earlier. I could be can get made at him. But he is also very useful man for me. A very resourceful person. He has a image of businessman in Manchester, good relations with Government officials. His contacts will help me.

Zachary POV.

*In Manchester*

"How she right now?", I asked one of my man.

"She is hard to handle, she trashed her whole room and eating nothing", he said. I smirked,"she is as feasty as her sister, good it will be fun ", with that i moved forward to her room.

When we reached her room, my man unlocked her room. I moved inside it, gestured my man to stay out. My beautiful penthouse is now completely trashed. I saw her sulking in the corner.

"Whoa,whoa girl. Look what have you done to my suite", I said and smirked when i witness fear creep over her face.

"Why you bought me here. I have done nothing. Please let me go", Alia yelled at the top her lungs.

"Oh! Poor kid want to go home", i said and pouted.

"Sorry to dis-appoint baby girl, but i can. And you are not my problem but you sister is", i told her.

"Di", She said with shocked voice.

"Yes, your di has created a lot of problems for me. She got caught my racket of human trafficking and now for your di deeds you have to pay", i told her, and believe me i felt really happy having her as my victory trophy.

She started laughing. I raised my bows in confusion.

Is she insane? She is laughing when death is standing in front of her?

I couldn't control my rage.

"Enough", i yelled at her. She stopped laughing, but she didn't flinched in fear. Which makes my blood boil more.

I took dominating steps at her. And surprisingly she didn't moved back.

"Are you having a death wish. Care to explain why are you laughing", i looked straight in her eyes.

She confidently took steps towards me.

"I'm proud of my di. She saved those girls from a monster like you. Even if you kill me here. I won't regret. Infact it will be a proud moment for me, you can't be able to submit my di, even if you keep me captive here. I won't let that happen", she said in one breathe straight looking into my eyes. This is the break point of my anger. I raised my hand over her. She fell on floor and her head hit the corner of glass table, she was bleeding but i couldn't care. She called me Monster, well this is not first time that someone called me monster but her words has hurt my ego. I hold her against her neck and chocked her.

"Listen you kid. Sooner or later your di has to submit to me, and then i will show you what this monster can do, i will rape her right in front of you, and the stab her to death, then i will took out her kidney, lungs, eyes from her body and will still keep her alive. Untill she beg to me everyday to kill her", i realised her from my grip.

She inhaled air as much as she can in her one breathe.

This much  is  enough for the kid today.

When i was about to leave. She said.

"You can't even pull even a single strain of her hair. Dom will save my di", she said.

"Let's see little one who will win", with that i left her room.

"Prepare our mens, be ready for war"



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