Chapter 55.

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Dominic POV.

*4th floor*

"This floor is owned by the psycho  killers. We must be very careful around their. I don't want to lose my any man right now", i whispered ordered.

"Yes boss", my mens said.

"Give the map of this building", i ordered.

One man came running around and handed me building map.

"Order every man out there in 3 floor, to climb through pipe lines in fifth floor", i ordered and started their work.

"We have to clear this 4th floor, are you ready everyone?", i asked.

"Yes sir", they replied in unison.

"Go all and create diversion, remember that they are pyscho killers", i said.

"Yes sir"

While climbing to fifth floor, one of my man has dropped a bomb near the back door of the forth floor. To distract their attention.

When they are killer were on back we slowly entered inside 4th floor.

"Okay now, don't spare anyone life. It is do or die situation now. Are you all ready", i whispered and ordered.


"Good now move inside"

*Sounds of Zachary men*

"Who dropped this bomb here?"

"Hey, check that place, i don't want boss to get angry on me", their head ordered.

"Yes, boss"

All his body guards went to at the back door direction.
This situation is perfect for us to attack.

I gestured Steve to move carefully and shot him. He hide himself behind a pillar and me & Jimmy was covering him.

1......2.......3...... and

*bang bang*

Their head body now laying  lifeless on floor.

Now it's time for his minions.

We dropped another bomb at the back door of 4th floor where all his mens were standing. Everything blasts within a second.

*5th floor*

Already my mens where there almost clearly halfway and fighting with others.

Steve and Jimmy hold their rifles and shot everyone of them.

This is clearly our victory. Zachary has to die now.

Pooja POV.

Me and Alia both in our room when we heard faint sounds of gun shots.

"Di, did you heard that?", alia asked.

"Yes, i heard them"

"They are coming from beneath floors"

"Maybe his mens were fighting again "

"No di, i don't think so"

Suddenly door brust open and Zachary  was standing their.

"Wakey wakey dear. Come i want to show you something", he said with evil smirk.

Me and Alia followed his orderes.

Dominic POV.

*6th floor*

We are at 6th floor. This floor is owned by professional fighters. When we reached their.  Fighters where having match their and all people were drunk. Playing bet who will win and who will lose.

Already distracted they are. But no they are no. It's a set up when i saw man at the roof top pointing machine gun at main entrance where we were standing.

He started firing.

"No Steve", i yelled and ran towards him but he got shot on shoulder.

Jimmy tracked down that guy. Now most of the fighters are frustrated with our huge entrance.

Now everybody is loading their gun.

"Down to floor", i yelled and everybody layed on floor.

Fighters thought that we surrendered, he took dominating step towards to put bullets in our head, with a huge grin on his face.

But then sound of cracking glass window made him turn his head, i immediately got up and put my bullet in his head.

And my commandos who were hanging with the rope and entered into rooms but breaking glass windows and shot everyone in gun fire.

Everyone in the room was dead, but i saw a man he is moving towards that emergency button.

"Oh no", i shot him 3-4 times but he still didn't stopped crawling, and then he pressed that button.

*beep beep beep beep*

The sound of Alarms filled the entire floor.

"Move move fast move, move to seventh floor. And you 3 take Steve to hospital"

Pooj POV.

*In Zachary Room*

He was showing us how Dom invaded his house.

There's no way he could entered in this building how he did then?

"Why Issac why? Why you did that?",  anger is clearly flashing in Zachary eyes.

"What are you speaking Zac", issac defended.

"There's no way they could enter here without the help of an insider", Zachary yelled.

"You are assuming things zac", issac also yelled.

Zachary couldn't hold his anger anymore and he throws punches over Issac face until it starts bleeding.

After few minutes when Zachary stopped. Issac starts laughing bitterly.

"That's the only reason i betrayed you. You are a weak man. This group of mafia needs a strong man like me to lead", Issac said while standing at his level, straight staring into his eyes .

"You are still dewling in past. In memories Zac, that how your wife and daughter is killed by Dom dad. But you never saw the plight of the mafia group after you became the leader. Infact a normal girl, like Pooja was being able to caught you main head Alex. Can't you see that, because of you this group weakened. But don't worry i will make this group stronger again", Issac spilled out everything.

"You will rule only when you stay alive", Zachary took a knife,  that was kept on dining table with fruits and slit Issac throat at ones.

Alia yelled and covered her eyes. I engulfed her in hug. No want to make her watch how his lifeless dead body fall on floor with blood oozing out from his throat.

"No body goes against Zachary. I'm sorry steve but that was you fault"

He dropped that knife on floor and moved towards us.

He separated me and Alia from our hug. And caught her fist floor hair and pulled us apart.

"Now it your turn to die", Zachary roared.

I immediately took the nearest vase and hit him on his head. He yelped in pain.

I freed Alia from his grip. We ran towards stairs .

"Come back you bitches", he roared.

But me and Alia fastened our pace and kept running.


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