Chapter 36.

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Sara POV.

*Calling Zachary*

"What happened, why you called", Zachary barked from other side.

"Hey, what kind of drug was that. I have given her but nothing happened to her except dizziness and weakness. Tell me, what kind of game you are playing with me", I yelled from other side.

"Stupid lady, don't you dare to talk to me like this, lower your voice", he yelled at Sara, but their is not a single drop of fear in my voice, and I again yelled back.

"I said earlier and i'm asking again. What kind of drug was that, nothing happened to her", I said calmly.

"Good girl. You see i thought you need sometime to say her good bye. But you are so desperate to kill her, i didn't knew that. What kind of friend your are", he laughed.

"Enough of your jokes. Explain it clearly", Sara again

"Relax girl. It's a slow poison who will not immediately kill her, but it will kill her definitely", he said.

"Will you stop speaking in riddles", i said controlling my anger.

"Dumb girl. Who made you a doctor.  It is a slow poison and will work effectively after 7 days. After 7 days your lovely friend will be late friend. Got it", he said.

"It means i have to give this to her for continuous 7 days", i asked him.

"Ofcourse, give it to her for 7 days. It's primary effects are dizziness and weakness which you have already seen. It means it's working. And it will also not bought attention of anyone over her condition", Zachary said.

"You got brains", I smirked.

"Ofcourse i have planned this, now cut the call and back to your work", he said.

"How's the party today?", i know he's smirking on other side.

"It was amazing. Now Dom is not talking to her. She embarrassed him in front of everyone. Poor girl", i laughed.

Yea, because i'm the one who stepped over her saree....

"Great, you got 7 days create difference between both of them, kill her and get your Dom", Zachary said.

"Aaye Aaye caption", i smirked and cut the call.

Sweet dreams Dom baby...

Pooja POV.

"Pooja wake up", i woke up with the yelling of Sam.

"Pooja,get up and take bath", Sam said.

"Sam where is Dom", i asked her.

I want to apologize for my mistake...

"He's locked up in his study. He didn't even came outside from tommorow", Sam answered.

"I want to talk to him", i said.

Sara entered.

"Pooja you still haven't freshen up. It getting late, and you also have to take your medicine no delay", Sara yelled at me.

"Sara first i want to talk to Dom after that i will take", i quickly got up from my did my morning business and stepped into shower.

I was messed up, my eyes are still burning from crying and throat are horse.

But i saw Dom in dining room, all dressed up in suit. Maybe he is going to office. I ran towards dining hall. He got of up from his seat and starts moving to gate.

"Dom wait", i practically yelled in order to stop him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy girl", Steve said i know he is suppressing his laughter but i'm in no mood of answering him back.

On other side, Dom is looking at me with stern expression.

"Dom i'm really sorry for yesterday. Someone stepped over my saree and i ended up bumping in Melody. Yesterday i was not feeling good. Maybe because of strong medication", i said all in one breath.

"Pooja...", Dom said.

"No listen to me first. I know because of me you have lost your important client. I will talk to Malhotra's, i will apologise to them in order to save your friendship with them. Please give me one chance", i begged to him.

He was also at bad mood, after hearing my words. I can see his eyes burning with rage.

Did i said anything wrong.

I just want to help him.

"You are not going anywhere", he said tried to calm his anger.

"But i have embarrass you front of everyone. I just want to fix my mistake...."

"You want fix your mistake. Can you tell me how. You will go and simply resquest to Mr. Malhotra and he'll say okay"

"Stop living in dreams. He will simply demand your body in return, to please him. Will you do that"


"Why are saying like that, i just want to help..."

"Go to your room, and take rest. I don't have time for you", he said and turned on his heels.

I cannot take this any more...

My world is spinning.....

Everything goes black....


I heard Dom's voice calling Sara.

Sara POV.

"Pooja lost her consciousness"

"Good for me", i run towards her because Dom was calling me.

"What happen to her", Dom said.

"I don't know letme check her pulse", i faked that i'm worried for her, but no i'm mentally tap dancing.

"Should i call Ambulance", he said.

"No, she is perfect fine. She hadn't took her medicine. That's why she fainted", i assured Dom, he was looking at her with so much love and care in his eyes. That i can feel my blood boil.

"Take her to her room, i will take care of her", I told Dom, don't want him to near her. I remembered what Zachary said, create as much difference as you can create in 7 days. This will bring them or more closer.

Do something SARA....

Plan something....

"Dom no need to worry, she is fine, she has fainted because of stress, i will take care of her"

He nodded.

"I'm counting on you Sara", Dom said and left for his work.

I have to plan something.....

I have to fill Dom's heart with hatred for Pooja.....

And i know how to....

I smriked.


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