Chapter 19.

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*1 week later*

Pooja POV.

Right now, I'm office working. Past one week is very hectic for me. First of all those media reporters always want to take my interview, second now in orphanage i have 37 kids to take care. And for Sam i took her with me for security shake. And I'm also holding event for charity fundraising for my kids. And at last, my boss. He has put 100 of his men to spy around me, i already told him there is no need of that. But that dumpass didn't even listen once, so i have to talk with those bodyguard to take a leave, i will talk to there boss. And most bad thing was happen is i cannot able to take a good sleep. Omg! I'm so tired right now.

"Ms. Mehra, come to my office right now", Dom yelled from other side of intercom.

"What did he want now", i cried.

With that, I practically dragged my feet to his office.

"Come in Pooja", he said before even knocking.

"You called me Sir", i said.

"Why did you tell those bodyguards to leave, and you also lied to them that I told them to leave your place, are you want to die", he spat angrily.

"I don't want them, i don't they always keep revolving around me, it's suffocates me.....", i said, but before i could even complete my sentence.

"Shut up", he yelled.

"If i do something for you, you have always problem with that, I want to save you, got damm, why don't you understand this", he yelled.

I stood silent there, i didn't expected this kind of reaction from him. I felt hurt.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have shouted on you", he said.

"It's okay, i don't want any kind of discussion on this", before he could even reply, I turned towards the door. But suddenly my vision blurred, black dot started appearing in vision, my head is spinning. The last thing i remember is Dom marching towards me and black out.

Dominic POV.

"Doctor what happen to her", i said.

"No need to worry Mr. Giovanni she passed out because of lack of sleep and stress. I gave her injection, she is sleeping right now", with that Doctor left.


In my office, i called Pooja. I want my answer why she has done this, i just want her safety can he just quietly cooperate. I yelled at her. But what i saw, he was going towards the door, but her was like she is going to fall any moment.  I marched towards her, before she fall on floor i caught her with her waist.

"Hey Pooja, open your eyes", she is not responding.

I picked her up in bridal style and run towards medical department in my office building.

*Flashback ends*

*2 hours later*

Pooja POV.

I regain my consciousness. When i opened my eyes i saw Dom sitting there with closed eyes on a stool near me and holding my hand.

"Dom", i said.

He opened his eyes.

"Oh! Pooja. Thank god you regained your consciousness, i was worried about you", he said while hugging me.

"Dom, what are you doing, you are choking me", i said with hurt voice.

"Oh! Pooja, i'm sorry", he said apologetically.

I started laughing.

"Haha", "Dom", i said while laughing.

"What", he raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Your are so cute", i said, because i wasn't choked i joked to him.

"Pooja, i'm cute, we don't call boys cute, we call them handsome", he said proudly.

"Who told you, that your handsome", with that i started laughing again.

"Girls come running behind me, darling. Don't worry you will soon become one of my looks fan", he said.

"Hahh! IN YOUR DREAMS", I yelled.

"Well then, we will see", he smirked.

"Well, I'm tell you one thing about me, i'm never a fan of someone good looks, i'm a fan of good heart people", i told him.

"That's why, i easily don't fall in any ones charm, not even by you", i said proudly.

He was taken aback with my confession. Now he is finding words to answer back.

"I have to go i now, i have work to do", i interrupted him.

"No, you are not working, i'm taking you back home", he said not said but ordered.

"No, only few paper work then i can go", i said.

"Comeon, health come first, now let go", with that he dragged me with him. I didn't argued with him because i was very tired and want to sleep.

We sat in his black Porsche and start moving towards my house.

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