Chapter 13.

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This chapter is decidicate to my fan
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Thank you so much guys.
Hugs and kisses 😘😘😘.

Dominic POV.

I can't help but drooling over my girl, she is naturally very beautiful, she didn't need of any makeup, her skin is flawless.
My thoughts are interrupted by Sara.
"Good evening, Mr. Giovanni", Sara said.
"Good evening, Sara. I'm glad that you accepted my invitation", i said.
"No, Mr.Giovanni it's my pleasure that I going to attend your party", she said.
"Please come inside, my speech in going to start within 5 minutes", i said.
"Let's go", Pooja said and smiled.
I love her smile.

* 5 mintues later*

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming to my party, as you guys know, I have thrown this party on the occasion of my sucessful accquisation over J&D Enterprise. With this accquisation my company has become one of the top most company in Europe and me becoming the most richest person of this whole Italy. I want to thank my all investors for believing in me in the times of distress and giving me a chance, well now i won't take much time let's begin our party", then i opened a champagne bottle.
Everyone claps. Music is playing. Couples has started dancing on the tunes of music.
"I think i should ask Pooja for a dance", with that I started heading towards her direction she is now standing with Steve.

"Mr.Giovanni can I dance with you?, Sara said.
Then i look at Pooja, she is already dancing with Steve. A feeling a jealousy come across my mind. I should be the one who should be dancing with her right now, not that Steve.
"Sorry, Sara I can't dance with you, I have an important work to do", with that I excused myself from her.

Pooja POV.

"See Sara, Mr.Giovanni is coming, be brave go and ask him for a dance", i said to Sara.
"No, Pooja, i can't", she said nervously.
"Come on you both like each other go", with that I encouraged Sara and pushed her in the direction of Dom.
"Hey Steve, can I dance with you?", i asked Steve. Who happily accepted my hand and we both started dancing with the music.
Music is slow and I'm actually enjoying this environment. I never had a boyfriend, not even in school and not even in my college. I was a complete nerd. But i was sure one thing about me soon i will find my prince charming and will fall in love with him and have kids and live my life happily after.

*5 minutes later*

I look around to see Sara and Dom, but none of them were there.
"Hey, Steve did you see Sara and Dom?", I asked.
"They were here a while ago, i don't know where they are now", he said.
" well then, excuse me, i think i should check Sara", i said.
"Sure", he nodded.

I walked across corridor, just to find Sara.
"Sara, are you there?", i called out her name.

Suddenly a pair of two hands cover my mouth and dragged me. I tried to get away from his grip but he is much bigger then me. I tried to shout but his big hands covering my mouth, nothing comes out. I started panicking, i was on th verge of crying.
Then suddenly those hands removed from my mouth. I turned and saw Dom was standing there.
"What is this Dom, are you trying to kill?", i said but at that point i was very angry.
"Hey, Pooja listen", he said.
"What listen, you nearly give me a panic attack", i said harshly.
Then i saw his eyes turning to a darker shade.
"Stay quiet, don't you again dare to interrupt me", he wisphered in my ears. Now I'm leaning against the wall, he is standing so close to me that our nose are touching each other.

"Do you like Steve?", He asked.
I was a bit scared of him now.
", i didn't", i shattered.
"Then, why are you dancing with him", he said
"Everyone is dancing in that room....", before i ever completed my sentence he said," did someone told you that you have the most beautiful lips".
"No, not about my lips, but about my eyes.....", again before even i could my sentence, he smashed his lips upon mine. It took me few seconds to register what is going on. I was beyond shock, i tried to push him, but he grab my wrist and lean the against wall. He grabbed both of my hands with his and his body is hovering over mine. He bit my lower lips for entrance.

After a few second he realised that I'm not responding to his kiss, he back. As soon as he backed, i raised my hand and smashed him across his face harder.

He stood there, holding his reddened cheek there, i push him and started running towards exit.

"Omg! What did just happen, what if Sara got to know about all this, she will never forgive me ", i thought.

I was running and crying like a manic in corridors. As soon as i saw Steve is there standing at the exit.
"Please Steve took me home back", i said.

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