Chapter 47.

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Zachary POV.

*In England*

"Boss, in 2 minutes her classes are about to finish", one of my man said.

"Good", i praised him.

"But sir we have a problem", he said.

"What problem?", I asked him.

"Sir, Dante is also here. He's one the man of Italian Mafia", he told me.

Oh! That son of bitch...

But you don't worry Dom. This time i won't make any mistake. This time, i will take everything away you have.

I mentally smriked. I devilish idea has popped in my mind. I gathered all my mens and told him how to execute. Even if i have to kill Dante. I will do that without any hesitation.

Now,i no more want to play a hide and seek game. Now it an open challenge between me and Dom.

After two minutes later, students started coming out of gate. I spotted Alia. Indeed both sisters are hot as hell. But i'm here for so other purpose. I saw Dante was also there in his black Suv hidden behind brushed on the other side of the road. One of man brought a truck and placed it as a barrier between his vision and Alia. Another my back then fastly park car in front of gate and few men came out, and caught Alia, she fought with all her strength. But my mens are strong then they immediately pushed her in car and put a piece of cloth on her mouth and she fell unconscious.

Here Dante is all unaware what happened and Alia is gone. After few minutes later my man also moved truck from his place. Then Dante stepped out from car feeling suspicious what happened? Where that girl is gone. He asked one of her friend who has witnessed the whole event.

"Blood hell", Dante cursed feel so embraced, now how he's gonna face Dominic Giovanni his boss. He took out phone from his pocket and ordered his mens to find her.

But my dear friend it's of no use. She is with me now. And i can't let her leave so easily. With that i laughed louder in my car.

Pooja POV.

"Omg! I can't believe. This dress is so beautiful", Said Suasan.

"Master is really smitten over you Miss. I'm so he's your soulmate", She said and chuckled. I playfully hit her arm.

Ava also squealed.

I still don't know whats he is planning.

"Please take a shower ma'am. It's already 5:30, master said to be ready by 7", Suasan told me.

I nodded and quickly took a shower. After drying myself, put on the white silk dress gifted by Dom.

After wearing that dress i was able to identify myself.

"Is this me?", i asked Suasan for confirmation.

"Yes, Miss. It is you", She smiled at me.

"I can't believe on my eyes. Never ever i thought i could be this beautiful", i said.

Omg! I must be dreaming. Dom has really nice choice.

"Come Miss. I will help you with hair and makeup", Suasan said and i followed.

She baided my hair nicely and i kept my make up natural, white smoky eyes shadows and pink lip gloss, with natural brush make up.

"Perfect", Suasan said and clapped her hands.

"Omg! Suasan. You are life saver. Thank you so much", i thanked her.

"Miss, driver is here", a maid said.

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