Chapter 27.

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Dominic POV.

My head is aching very much. From the past week I have lost a consignment. I couldn't care for that, but those Indian dealer are not ready to accept their fault. They even threatens us to sue for forgery. But they don't know who I'm. I smirked mentally.

"Liza, bring me a cup of black coffee", i ordered.

"Right sir", she nodded and left.

Suddenly door brust open and I saw Pooja standing there.

"You, Mr. Arrogant how dare you to house arrest me", she spat.

"Pooja, behave you are in office. I don't tolerate people who disrespects me", i said.

"See, no one is here. Our conversation is fully private. Now I can call you whatever I want and I want you to take your orders back of house arresting me", she said.

I got up from my chair and moved towards her.

"And why will  I do so?", i moved towards her, she subconsciously took a step back .

"Because, I'm not your possessions who you keep locked up in your locker", she answered me fearlessly.

I must say, my girl is fearlessly and bad ass. And I don't want to change. I like the way she is, straightforward, helping, kind and caring.

"Oh! Really. You are my precious possession Pooja, and it's my duty to keep my precious thing safe, I don't like losing my things. My things only belongs to me", i said while taking step towards her.

Her legs hit the furniture right behind her and before she could fell on floor. I caught her by her waist. For a moment my gaze locked with her brown one. I subconsciously reducing the distance between my lips and her.

Suddenly Liza entered in my cabin.

"Sir, bought coffee for you", she said. She seems shocked after watching me and Pooja like this.

Pooja immediately pushed me away from her.

"Liza, it's not like what you are thinking. I fell and sir immediately caught me", she cleared her.

But me, i was cursing her for ruining such a beautiful moment with my girl.

"I trust you Pooja, don't worry", she said and left.

Pooja growl in frustration. I chuckled. She look cute when she do these kinds of childish things.

Without a single word saying she moved towards door.

"And Pooja, you remember naa your punishment", i reminded her.

"Yea, yea i have to sleep with you in your room, i remember you don't have to remind me this again and again", with that she left.

"Oh! My Pooja, you are really messing with my brain", i thought to myself and drank my coffee.

Pooja POV.

" Basturd, what he think of himself. You just I will teach you a good lesson Mr. Arrogant ", i thought.

*Mobile phone rings*

"Hello, Mother Maria. How're you?", I said.

"Pooja, Lilly", she sobbed.

"What happen to Lilly", i asked her worried.

"Pooja, she is having  pnemonia,  and not taking her medicine. She said, she wants to meet. After that she will take her medicine", Mother Maria said.

"I coming Mother Maria. Don't worry", with that i hung up.

I ordered driver to take me there.

"But ma'am sir didn't ordered me", he said hesitantly.

"It's important. Are your boss orders is more important than someone's life. I will call him, you drive", he nodded and we headed towards my orphanage.

"Hey, Lilly. Mother told me you're not taking your medicine. It's not good beta (kid), didi (sister) is very upset with you", i said to her.

"Didi, i want to see you. You have become so busy, you didn't visit us. I'm not talking with you. Didi don't spend time with us", she said while making pout.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Lilly. I promise i will come daily to see you but please take your medicine. Don't skip it", i said.

"Promise didi", she said.

"Yes, pinky promise", i assured her.

After giving her medicine. She slept soundly.

"Mother Maria, i have to go now", i told her.

"Okay Pooja. But please do come daily. Until Lilly recovers", Mother Maria said.

"Ofcourse, i will", i said with that i left orphanage.

*In car*

"Ma'am you still haven't informed sir. Please inform him, i don't want to lose my job", he said sounded worried.

"Oh! Yea. I forgot", with that i dialled Mr. Arrogant number.

And as expect, i found him yelled on me from other side of phone.

"Pooooooojjjjjjaaaaa, you run away again", he yelled.

"Hey, relax. I have come to pay a visit to Lilly, she is suffering from pneumonia and not taking her medicine. So i come to visit her", i reason out.

"But atleast you could have tell me once", he yelled again.

I was about to answer him, but our car strumbled, our car was hit by a car next to us. Car imbalanced. And i saw a fast moving truck is moving towards us.

"Hey watch out", i said to driver but too last. Our car straight hit into that truck and collided.

Last thing was i remember is i'm heavily breathing. I was laying in a pool of blood of mine. Then somebody got me out of car. And black out.

Dominic POV.

"But atleast you could have tell me once", i yelled again at her. When i specifically instructed her not to leave without my orders, then why she ran away again and again.

But she was about to answer, and i heard sounds of car trash.

"Hey watch out", Pooja yelled.

"Pooja, what going on. Pooja", i asked her worried.

No answers but i heard a sound of explosion.

"Noooooooo, Poooojjjjaaaaa", i shouted.

"Steve" he came running.

"Trace this location", i ordered.


Authors Note :-


New twist.......

How you feel so far?

Who do you think, who is behind Pooja's car accident.

Comment down below.

I know my story is very fast, but i love to bring twist and turns in my story :p

Until next time.
Take care guys.

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