Part 2 of Chapter 16.

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*3 hours later*

Pooja POV.

I'm still standing outside operation theatre. After five minutes operation theatre light turned into green and doctor come out. I approached doctor.

"How's she doctor right now?", i asked.
"She is doing very fine now, i want to tell you something Miss, please come to my office", with that I nodded and followed Docter to his office.

"Do you know that girl", he said.
"No doctor", with that I told him all incident which happened earlier.

"Miss, i want to tell you something", doctor said.

"She is a victim of sexual assault and she has been using or may be someone forcefully giving her steroids to look younger than her age", i was taken aback by doctor confession. What steroids, is she crazy, why she is taking steroids to look younger.

"Miss, now you should call police, she will be awake within 15 minutes", with that i nodded and informed inspector about this.

"Miss, she is awake now, you can see her", a nurse told me.

I walked straight to her room.
She is laying on her bad. She is in much better condition than earlier.

"Hey, how are you feeling now?, i said to her.
"Why there is a need of you to save my life, why you bring me here, i want to die, you spoiled everything", she spat angrily.

"Hey, calm down, i just want to help you", i said.
"I don't want your help, i want to die, now get out", she said.

"Please listen to me naa", i requested her.

"No, get out of my room", she shouted.
I don't want to get her more angry, it is harmful for her health. But one thing was very clear in my mind, whether she like it or not. I will help her.

"Listen, whatever happened with you, i know you are passing through a mental distress, i want to help you. Whoever done this with you, i promise i will put them behind bars, and i will ensure your full safety", i said.
"Don't you want to see those person behind bars?", i asked her.
She started sobbing and said," no one can help me, they are rich people, no one will listen infact they will put us behind bars", with that she cried harder.

"Shh! Don't cry, i will help you, and every one will listen, but you have to be brave, you have to complaint against those criminals who did this horrified act, so that no other girl will suffer, i'm a social worker as well, i ensure your safety", i told her.

"My life is a hell, i know i will live no longer, but i will file complaint against those, i will fight", she said.

"Brave girl", i said and patted her head.
"Tell me your name", i said.
"Samantha, but you can call me Sam", what's your?
"I'm Pooja" i said.

After the arrival of police, we logged a complaint against those people who are responsible for Sam condition.

Samantha told everything to police. Samantha family were very poor, she is 3rd child of her family. Her mom worked as a house maid and her father as a gardener. One day, some people burged into her house asked their parents for money which they have taken as loan from them, but at that time her parents were pennyless, they took her instead of money. At that time she is only 9 years old. They drugged her with steroids to make her look younger, and put her into the dark world of human trafficking. Samantha also told that within 1 week there were a deal of their master with some client from Bangkok, they were going to sell 30 girls to them including Samantha, before that they sent Samantha to serve an old psycho man, who was displeased with her work and took out his leather belt to beat her, he beat her senselesslly until she passed out, then he took her in car to return her to his master, in middle of the road Samantha regained her consciousness and attracked that old man and run away from his car, and accidentally jumped in front of mine. Inspector listened to every details she told him.

"Thank you Samantha, you information is very helpful, we have to stop this deal before they sent those girls to Bangkok", Inspector said.

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