Chapter 23.

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Authors Note:-
I'm a big fan of nightcore. That's why I putted this video.

~Kindly Put Your Playlist Here~

"Now, i don't wanna deal, with the past left unspoken. Our love is made of steel, whose lock can never be broken".
Yesterday, Nightcore.

Steve Pov.
I heard of gun shots. I ran towards the room where he took Pooja. I was praying for Pooja; that she is fine.

Door is closed. I kick the door to open; but the first thing I saw has relieved washed over me. That Pooja is fine and i saw a man's dead body lying lifelessly on the floor. Pooja did this. I was shocked.

"Oh!did you did this?", i asked her.

"Who else are you seeing in this room", she said sarcastically.

"May, may i will never again piss off you. You can even kill me in sleep", i said and chuckled.

"From where you have learnt this", i said.

"I know Karate, as a social worker i have to face so many treats, that's why i learnt it. But i killed first time", she said. I can see guilt in her eyes.

"Hey Pooja, you didn't did anything wrong. You did this for your self defence. And if you  didn't pulled that trigger may be you are one who is laying lifeless in this room", i hugged her and rubbed her back.

She started sobbing.

"Hey don't cry. You are a strong girl", i told her.

She nodded her head.

"Comeon we have to go now before or more enemy come", i said and dragged her to car.

"Jimmy take care of all these mess. I'm taking Pooja back", i said to Jimmy.

"Yes boss", he replied.

"Steve can we go to South Tyrol ", Pooja said.

"No, Pooja it's too dangerous", i protested.

"Please Steve,  please. Everything over here is over now. Now we should head to South Tyrol . May be they need our help", she said.

"Yes, she is right. I have to help Dom", i thought to myself.

"Okay boys come over her. We are moving to South Tyrol ", i called out my all boys and start heading towards Terntino.

Sara POV.
I opened my eyes, but in an unfamiliar surrounding. My neck is paining badly. They drugged us two times, what I remembered. But why am I tied to a bed.

I panicked and tried to free my hands from the chains. But all my efforts are vain. Suddenly door opened and a man come inside.

"Ah! I see you are awake now?", he said.

"Who are you? And where is Sam?" I said to him.

"She is fine. I tied her in warehouse. But if you tried to escape or any other kind of cleverness, I might not think twice before pulling trigger", he said.

"What you want?", i said tried not to shattered.

"Hmm! What I want, is not you specifically. I want your friend. She is so pretty. But you are also not less, that's why I thought to keep you with me", he said and started walking towards my bed and hold my leg and started licking it. This man is maniac.

"Stop! Stop! Don't do that", he stopped.

"Do you like this? Tell me you like this? Tell me you loved this?", he said.

"No stop. I didn't like this", he bite my feet

"Ahh!", i screamed.

He started laughing. And said," oh! Bella. Why are you so innocent. But I want to tell you a secret.  For whom you are rejecting me.The guy you love, will never love you. He love someone else. And when you got to know about this. The land beneath you feet will slip. And then come to me back. I will help you in getting him back. But on one condition bring or kill Pooja for me", he whispered in my ears. My brain could not contain what I said.

With that he left.

"Go, have her", he said while getting out of my room. Now I am surrounded by a pack of wolf, who is ready to attack me.

But suddenly *bang bang*

Dominic POV.

*At South Tyrol *

* 1 hour earlier *

"Sir we can't get in, we have to plan something else", my man said.

"They go find  a different solution", i spat.

Beep beep.

"Sir, for delievery purpose a truck just cross highway. This truck will straight go to the same warehouse where they held hostages", operator said.

I must say they are very good hacker's.

"Fine, we will attack that truck and enter in warehouse", i said.

In mid highway. We were able to attack that truck and kill all their men. We wore their dress and in put my man inside the truck. We started moving towards warehouse.

Gatekeeper - Show your id.

Me - Here sir.

Gatekeeper - I have never see you around

Me- sir i didn't work her. My brother is. He is ill today. So I come for delivery.

Gatekeeper- Fine you can go in.

Me- Well sir.

We moved inside the warehouse. I geared the truck and staright hit the warehouse building making a huge hole in wall.

"Hey boys, jump", my man started jumping out from and started firing.

"Hey you both cover me", with that i started moving inside the warehouse.

"Check every single corner of this warehouse. No one should escape. Find both girls", i ordered.

At a corner of the basement warehouse, i found Sam.

"Hey, Sam. Where is Sara", She didn't speak. She pointed her finger towards her. And passed out.

"Boys move to roof", i ordered.

We killed every single man down below.

I saw a room. I moved towards the door. I kicked and opened it. There were seven people in the room. One of them has put gun overe Sara head.

"Drop your gun or I will put my bullet in her head", one of them said.

" No, don't kill her. I will", i said.

I bend down to keep my gun ground. I glanced at Sara. She is pleading me not to but my gun down. And within that moment. She kicked that man hand and his gun fall on floor. I immediately picked my and shoot. All seven down. I untie Sara. He hugged me and cried her heart out.

"Shh! Sara. It's okay. I'm here. You are fine now.", i cooed her and hugged her back.

"Dom, dom", Sara said.

"You are safe now don't cry", i said

"Dom, where is Sara", she said.

"She is fine. Let's move", i picked Sara in bridal style because she wasn't able to walk she is too weak and her wrist is bleeding.

I soon as i step outside that warehouse. I saw Steve and Pooja stepping out from their car.

When Pooja saw Sara. She ran towards us.

"Omg!  What happen to her", she said and cried.

"Don't worry Pooja. She is fine, but weak can't walk", i said.

She nodded and we sat in car and drove towards our city.

Authors Note:-

Ah, ah, ah Dom is making Sara hope high.

What you guys think Sara reaction after knowing the truth?

Will she be able to forget about Dom and move on or will do something?

Who was that guy, who know everything about Sara and Dom?

Just wait for or more twist guys.

And in upcoming chapters I'm gonna disclose about Villain of this story.

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