Chapter 32.

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Thank you so much guys for your support. This is my first book and i have received such an overwhelming response.
Love you all my readers. 😊😊


Pooja POV.

Me and Dom were talking and suddenly door opens and someone enters.

I saw it a man, same as the height of Dom. He is indeed very handsome but not as handsome as Dom. His leather jacket is well fitted to muscled body. He is wearing a ripped blue denim jeans. He is also having a bouquet of white roses in his hands.

As soon as that man enters in my room, i saw Dom facial expressions has hardened. I didn't understand why he become so tensed with his appearance.

"Good Morning, Ms. Mehra, I see you are recovering very fast", he said.

"Good Morning to you. But sorry I didn't recognized you", i said and he just smirked and look towards Dom.

"I see, Mr. Giovanni didn't told you anything about me", he said and extended his hand towards me.

"I'm Zachary Stone, i'm the one who bought to hospital when you met that accident", he finished.

"Oh! Thank you so much Mr. Stone. You envy my life", i said and smiled warmly.

"No, i didn't envy anything Ms. Mehra. Infact i have learnt this from you to help others without any fear of death", he said last word slight loud.

"This is for you Ms. Mehra. My heart wish to get well soon for you", he said and smiled at me.

"Thank you. Mr. Stone. I love white roses, thank you for giving me your wishes and flowers", i turned my attention towards Dom who seems to be not happy with my little conversation with my savior.

"I'm really glad, that at last i got a chance to meet National hero of Italy. I'm glad that i'm the one who saved you that day", he said and i chuckled.

Suddenly his phone starts ringing. But he rejected his call and turned towards me.

"Ms. Mehra i will see you later. I have to go for now", Zachary said.

"Ofcourse Mr. Stone you can meet me any time", i assured him.

"Thank you, Ms. Mehra", with that he extended his hand and placed a kiss on back of my hand.

"Good bye Ms. Mehra. We will meet soon", he winked and left.

After Mr. Stone leave, Dom grabbed that bouquet and throw it in dustbin.

"Hey, are you crazy. That is a gift", i yelled at him. He is impossible. You can't predict his behaviour sometimes. What on earth he got now in his mind. My poor white roses.

"I can give you those roses as many as you want", he said but i cut him in mid.

"But that was a gift. It will hurt him if he found this laying in dustbin", i said louder.

Before answering back, he calmed himself. Obviously he don't want me to creat any havoc, specially in hospital.

"Pooja calm down. I will buy a house full of white roses, and every thing whatever you want", he said.

"That is not about roses, he brought  this for me, to wish me get well soon, and you thrown them in dustbin. You're insane", i spat.

"Pooja, he is not a good man. I want you to stay away from him", he said.

"Oh! Really. How do you know he is a threat for me. He saved my life Dom. I trust him", i said

"That is the  problem with you. You trust every one so easily. I'm doing all this for your safety. And the irony is you trust him not me", he said. Hurt is clearly evident in his eyes. But i didn't find Zachary as a threat. I don't want to fight with him anymore. I'm losing my strength. Instead of answer him, i lay back and closes my eyes.

Next thing, I feel trickling in my hand. I saw Dom is rubbing sanitizer on my hands.

"What are you doing? ", i was really angry with him and this made my blood boil.

"Clearing you, with his touch", he said.

"What?", i tried to freed my hand from him. But his strong hands held my small one captive.

"I can allow you being touched by any other man. I want to be the person who touches you. And i'm the only one who will touch you. I want to remove all his trases from your skin", he said with tightened his grip on me.

"You're impossible Dom. Now go i want to sleep", i closed my eyes. Not want to see him. Then i heard sound of closing door.

Sara POV.

I'm in hospital right now. So excited, not for meeting Pooja, but to mix this drug in her medicine. But then i saw Zachary coming out of her room. I was holding that packet in my hand. He saw it and his jaw tighten.

He grip my hand and drag me in corner.

"What are you doing lady. Are you out of your mind", Zachary said.

"What, i'm doing my work. I will today mix this in her medicine", i showed him the packet which i held

"You stupid woman, if you mix this in her medicine today, do you think Dom is stupid enough not to caught you", he said.

"What are you saying. I'm a doctor. Nobody will doubt on me", i said confidently.

He laughed bitterly. And then he held my neck and my back hit the wall.

"You foolish woman, you will spoil my game. You can't give this to her now. You have to wait until she discharges", he said.

I tried to say something, but his eyes a full of rage and he can kill me with the hold of finger around me neck within seconds.

"Listen lady, you will not give this to her now. What you think you will simply mix this in her medicine she will drink and die. So stupid you are, she is under observation of doctor. They will immediately treat her, and Dom will increase her security, making you little task even more difficult", he said.

"To complete this task you have to win Dom's trust. You have to distract him and then you can do this easily and you have to do this within 7 day after her discharge. Get this in your head", he said.

Then he freed me from his grip around my neck and step back. I was about to say something to him, but I saw Dom standing their in alley....


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