Chapter 52.

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Dominic POV.

"Sir, we have traced their location", my man told me.

I smirked. "Good job Daniel", i praised my man.

"Gather all mens here, i want to speak to them", i ordered.

"Yes, sir", he said and left.

"Steve, take care of all weapons, Jimmy i want you to stay here for safety of Pooja and Sam. Ray i give you the responsibility to charge", i ordered everyone.

"Clear boss", they said and left for their tasks.

Zachary i'm coming and this time i will make you pay for hurting my family.

Zachary POV.

"Sir, bad news for us", one of my man said.

"What is it now?", i asked back.

"Sir they have located our location, they will be here at any time", he said worriedly.

I smirked.

Good, this is the turning point of the game Dom. Now see how will i separate your Pooja from you. Now i will make you pay for your dad's deeds.

Just they way he kill my family. I will kill your's, come death is waiting for you Dom.

*Evil Laughs*

"Keep watching all his activities and bring Pooja here", i ordered my men.

"Yes, boss", they said in unison.

Little did Dom know, that i have already implanted my men in his group.

With that thoughts I smirked.

Pooja POV.

From the time since Sam has arrived here. She is feeling sick. She is suffering from food poisoning and from 2 days she is throwing up and not being able to eat anything.

"Sam how are you feeling right now", i asked her.

"Weak", only word she could mumbled.

I got up to give her medicine; but what shocked the most is all tablets has finished.

Oh! Why this have to finish at this time. Why they had bought few medicine?

I went to medical room for asking if that medicine is available or not, but i got but disappointment.

I think i should bought medicine for her.

When i was about to leave, i saw Jimmy standing there. I looked at him and he smiled at me. I also smiled in return.

"Where are you going Miss?", he asked.

"I'm going to pharmaceutical store just 2 blocks away from here", i told him.

"You can't go Miss", he said.

"Yea i know Dom has ordered you, but it is just 2 block away from here. I promise i will be fine. Sam need them", i reasoned out.

In reality i just want to go outside for a while. It suffocates me, and Alia being hurt by Zachary this feelings bring nightmare. And top most of that Dom, i sometimes feels like why can't he give up all his illegal business. I also want he should get rid of that and start a new life with danger just like a normal person.  Why can't he do that?

"Miss i will bring medicine you stay here", he insisted.

"But i want to go out", i pouted.

"Ma'am there are strict instructions from boss, not to let you anywhere without security. So but i can't allow you", he said.

This man is getting into my nervous. I will kill Dom for always bossing around for house arresting me, idiot.

I muttered.

"Did you say something ma'am?", he asked.

"Jimmy okay, but i want to come with you. Please don't refuse it suffocates me", i requested him with puppy eyes.

You deserve an oscar for such a award winning performance.

"Okay miss, i will let you", he said and we begin to walk towards his car.

*After 10 minutes*

We reached at a parmachutical shop, i give Jimmy the descriptions of Sam medicine and told him to buy some extra tablets as well. I was sitting in car then someone knock on the car window.

I rolled down the window and saw a seven year old kid is there having 2 water bottles in his hand.

"Miss please buy these water bottle. Water is still cold", he requested.

"No kid i don't want this", i politely brushed my hands in his hair. I didn't noticed that he's wearing rags and bare feet.

"Miss please my mom is ill. I have to buy medicine for her. But i don't have money. Miss please buy them", he said and moved forward all three bottles in my direction.

Poor boy.

I signed and took out money from my purse and handed his 1000 dollars. And took all his water bottles.

"Miss but these water bottle is of only 2 dollars, these are too much", he said and handed me back my money.

I liked his honesty. He's a 7 year old boy, but mature from his age.

I again moved my hand in his hair.

"Little boy keep all this and buy medicine and food for your mother. She will get well soon", i told him.

"But how i'm gonna return you this money back", at this moment he was crying.

"No need of returning money. Just the way i helped you. Someday you also help someone", i advised him.

"Yes sure Miss", he smiled and run away.

Writers POV.

Pooja happily bought those water bottle from that small kid, thinking that she was helping that lad but the reality is not that.

She was there waiting for Jimmy. That store was fully crowded. So it took almost 20 minutes for him to buy those medicine.

Pooja was waiting for Jimmy and she slipped water from one of those water bottle. After slipping that she started feeling dizzy and slept in deep slumber of darkness.

"Take her", one of Zachary man shouted.

Jimmy POV.

Why today this store is so crowded are every one in city started feeling unwell. He mentally cursed it.

After purchasing medicine when i reached at car. I saw Pooja wasn't inside.

Where she gone now?

I thought and started searching for her. After searching her for good 15 minutes. I came back to car panting.

Where she is now? Dom boss will definitely kill me.

I opened the door of car. And u found one note there written on that.

I took her. Tell your boss.

Shit that bustard has kidnapped her.

I immediately took phone out of my pocket and dialled Dom boss number.

"Sir, Zachary kidnapped Miss Pooja", i stated him.


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