Chapter 30.

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* Pooja POV*

We pulled apart from our hug when Sara entered in room.

"Oh! God, sorry Pooja i'm late, how this happened, how you are now", she suddenly brust out all questions. I chuckled at her reaction but Dom face hardened after watching her.

"I will bring food and medicine for you", Dom said while taking his leave.

"Come Sara sit", i motioned her.

She sat to my bed.

"Oh! Pooja i was so scared. I thought i lost you", she said while pulling me in hug. I hugged her back.

"Don't ever do this again. I can't lose you, you are my only friend", she said while crying.

"Hey don't cry. I'm not going any where. If i go who will sleep with you at nights and jerk you out of your bed", i laughed as soon as i completed my sentence.

"Being already bitchy", she said with playful slap on my arm.

"Ouch!", i screamed like i winced in pain.

"Omg! Sorry", she said and rubbed my arm.

I brust out. "You should have see your reaction", i told her.

"Pooja it's enough. Don't play like this", she scolded me.

"Ok, ok i'm sorry. I won't do that again, please forgive me", i said in sing song manner.

"Okay fine! I forgive you", and hugged me again.

"Well i see you and Dom are getting along too much. What's going on?", she asked.

I was taken aback with her question.

"Omg! How i will gonna explain her", i thought. "Maybe it's time i should tell her Dom's feeling for me", with that i took a deep breath and called out her name.

"Sara, i want to tell you something about Dom", i said.

"Hmm go on", she replied.

"Remember that day, when Dom invited us in party and i left with you", i said.

"Yes, remember. What was happened that day?", she questioned.

"Actually Dom kissed me on that day. I freaked out and slapped him and run away", she grasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

"I'm sorry Sara, i didn't told you all this earlier. I want to tell you but you know what happened after that", i reasoned out her.

I know she was hurt, but if i keep hiding truth from her. Later on it will hurt her more, so it's better to tell her now. So that she can forgive me and Dom.

"I really didn't knew that Dom has a soft corner for me. I always assumed that it is for you. I know it's my fault.....", she shhuded me.

"That's all you have to say. I knew all this Pooja. Dom told me and i have forgiven both of you", she said and smiled.

"But tell me one thing. Do you like him?", she asked.

I took my time before answering her. Infact, i really don't know whether i like him or not. Actually he is a billionaire mafia king, and i'm just a normal plain girl. Might be he felt attracted to me only because i saved his life, he can have any girl for him, most beautiful, rich and sophisticated one. But i really don't know whether i'm able for him or not. What if he found a girl better than me and leave me all alone. I don't know.

I sighed.

"I really don't know, but before coming on any conclusion, i want to give him a chance, to prove himself, later on i will decide whether i will stay with him or not", i let out heavy breathe.

"Hmm, i'm happy you want to give him a chance. Don't worry from now on, it's his responsibility to prove his love for you. And i will pray for him to win your trust. I can't wait to watch my nieces and nephews playing around with me", she laughed at last part.

"Bitch", i slapped her arm.

"I know, i'm", we both laughed and chit chatted for a long while.

Dominic POV.

I was about to enter in Pooja room, but i heard their conversation about me. When Sara asked her, whether she likes me or not.

I was internally wishing her to say yes. But she said she is ready to give me a chance. That's enough for me.

Something is always better than  nothing. Pooja don't worry you will fall for me and love me as much as i love you. I promised. I am determined to make her mine.

My thoughts were interrupted by Sam and Steve as they were running in my direction.

"Were is she, is she okay", Sam said.

"Yes, she is in your can meet and completely fine", after mumbling thank you to me Sam and Steve entered into her room.

Sara POV.

*In night*

*At Dom Mansion*

I have a Dom pic in my phone. You know i was stalking him, since the day i saw him. I made my mind, i will be your only mate. I can't stand him with any other girl. He's mine. And i'm talking with his pic. He has become my obsession, and i will make you mine. I grined wickedly.

"You naughty boy, Dom. Why god have to make you so handsome. You are mouth watering you know naa", i giggled.

"I wished Pooja should have died in that accident. Left you for me. Then only me and you could made love and stay together forever"

"But she returned, making my way or more difficult in getting you"

"Look naa baby, she didn't even love you. When i asked her whether she loves you or not she said she want to give you chance"

"What kind of thing this is. It is not love, it is lust. She want your body honey. But i... i want you full,  your body, your mind everything"

"But don't worry, she didn't died in car accident. But this time, i will make sure she will die" with that i picked out a packet of drug from my bag and show to him.

"See, baby Zachary has given this to me. It is drugs. He dealed with me, if i kill Pooja for him, i would able to make you mine. And guess what.....

i have accepted his offer"

" I will mix this in Pooja medicine and after drinking that she will die. No one will doubt on me, because i'm a doctor. I will give this to her in the name of medicines, after her death.  We will live our lives happily after. Then we'll make love and then i will give birth to your kids. But i want all my kids to be boys just like you. I said naa earlier baby, i can't stand a girl in your life"

With that i laughed louder like an evil witch, who got an poisoned apple to kill snow white.

"I'm sorry Pooja. I have to do this for Dom. You heared that term. Everything is fair in love and war. So here i'm. You have to die. I will suck life out of your body, in order to make Dom mine. Only mine".


Authors Note-

Another twist in story.


What you guys think what's next could happen.

Will Sara be sucessful in her plan to kill Pooja


There will be a miracle?

Comment down below what you think.

Untill next  time.

Take care

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