Chapter 9.

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Pooja POV.

"Pooja, you should have told us earlier that, Mr. Giovanni is also coming with you", Mother Maria said.
"No, Mother Maria, my car got flat tyre in middle of the road, by luck Dom was there, he helped me reaching here", I told mother maria.
"Didi, didi please play with us naa", Lilly  said.
"No Lilly you play with Matt, i have some work with Pooja", Mother Maria said.
"Didi, who is this gentleman?", Lilly asked.
"Hey Lilly, I'm Dom your Pooja didi friend", Dom said while take her into his arm.
"Didi, can i play with him", Lilly asked.
I looked at Dom, he nodded his head.
"Ofcourse, my dear you can play with him, but don't trouble him much", I said.
"Okay didi, come buddy we will play with our new barbie", Lilly said dragging Dom with him.
"Pooja come with me, I have to tell you something very important", Mother Maria said.
We headed towards her office.

"Pooja please don't panic, i want to tell you something", Mother Maria said worriedly.
"What happen Mother, why you are so worried is everything alright", I asked.

"No, everything is not alright, for Louis heart operation, we needed money around one million, i pledged this orphanage because our income from donation was not enough, and we are in need of money, i called my friend, she said she will take to her husband and will arrange money, i believed in her and in exchange of money her husband took this orphanage property paper", Mother Maria said.

"So what's problem in that, i will ask my company to give me a loan of 1 million so we can return there money and freed from this agreement", i said.
"No, problem is that, her husband is a mafia, he don't want money back, but he want us to leave this place so that he can build a shopping mall here", Mother Maria said and started crying.
"What?", i was beyond shock.
"No, they can't this is illegal, we will call cops and get them in jail for threatening you, Mother  Maria", i said.

"No honey, we can't do this her husband is too powerful; cops wouldn't help but it will cause or more problem", Mother Maria.

"So, what should we do now, I won't allow them to take this house, they can't do this with us, where will my kids will go if they took this house, no i'm gonna call police, i will not stay quiet and let them what they want to do", I said.

I came out of Mother Maria office, i saw Dom was still playing with Lilly.
"He will be a great daddy, Sara is so lucky", I thought.
"Hey Pooja, where are you spacing out, i'm calling your name", Dom said.
"Ah! Nothing Dom", I lied.
"You look worried, what happen, is everything alright", Dom asked.

Dominic POV.

" everything alright", I asked.
Suddenly I heard someone clearing his throat.
A tall man is standing there with his hands in his pocket. Mother Maria came out from his office.
"Mother Maria, i told you to leave this place, why are you still here", he said harshly.
"Hey, watch your tongue,  you brat", Pooja said.
"Pooja, don't. Antonio we can't leave this place, this is my house, my kids house, where will we go if you take this house, i promise i will pay back all money, please leave our place", Mother Maria said infact  begging.
"Your place, this is my place, don't forget that your sell this house", that man said.
"We didn't sold this house, we pledge it, I think you are smart enough to understand the difference between sold and pledge", Pooja said harshly.

"Whatever, i have the property paper of this house, now this is my place, i will charged both of you to invading in my place", that man said.
"We will return all money, just give me one week time", Pooja said.
"Ah! I don't want money, honey. I want this place, so it better for you two to leave this place with your rotten kids", that man said.

"Enough", i shouted.
Then i come from shadow, now I'm standing in front of this man.
"Mr. Dominic Giovanni ", now that tall man is shaking badly.
"How much did they owe?", I asked.
"No, sir this is my place, i will built a shopping mall here, they are invading in my property sir", that man said.
"I said how much did they owe", I said in a lower tone.
Now that brat is sweating badly.
" one million sir", " but i will lose my investment sir if I didn't get this property", he said.
I took my cheque book and signed 10 million  dollers and handed him.
"Get out before, i become angry", I said.
And he ran as fast as he can, because I'm the Mafia King of Italy.

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