Chapter 3.

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Pooja Pov.

Today is Sunday, so I woke up late today. Finally a rest day after weeks of late night shifts.
I looked at my watch, it's showing 9:30 am.
I get up from my bed, did my morning business and headed to Sara's room.

"She is not back yet", I thought," I should call her", then I proceeded to pick my phone and dialed her number.
"Hello, Sara are you still in hospital. You didn't come back yesterday? I asked.

"Yes, I didn't, I have to do a lot of paper work yesterday and this patient which you bought back is out of danger now and gained his consciousness" Sara said. A little subconscious smile spread through Sara's lips.

"Wow", I exclaimed. "I knew you will definitely save him. Heck your co-workers were correct about your work. You can bring back dead people to life", I said feeling proud of my housemate.

"Yea yea keep the pleasantries aside. You know I don't like when someone say this. It sounds so superficial to me", Sara warned me jokingly.

"Okay, okay. I am sorry Sara", I replied not wanting to sour her mood.

"Pooja, you need to come to hospital ", Sara told me.

"What? why? I completed all formalities yesterday, then why I should go back to hospital", I asked.

Then Sara explained, "After gaining consciousness Mr. Giovanni doesn't want to spent any single second in this hospital. I told him we need next 48 hours to examine his condition, but he just doesn't listen. He also said he wants to meet that girl who brought him here yesterday ", Sara told whole story to me.

"Well, he is being childish for his age. Why wouldn't any man on earth want to leave such a sexy, beautiful and smart doctor like you", I laughed hyestrically. I can feel Sara glared at me from other side.

"Okay, I will be there within an hour", I said.

"Ok", with that Sara hung up the call. Then I Went straight into bathroom and I decided to wear what I normally wear for a business meeting. White jeans, white top with orange blazer, with matching white sandals after that I ate my breakfast.

While on my way to hospital, I bought flowers bouquet for that guy to wish him get well soon.


As I entered into hospital, I saw Sara standing near reception chatting with fellow doctors.

"Hey, Pooja", Sara said when I approached her.

"Hey", I replied.

"You bought flowers?", she asked.

"Ohh, yes to wish him get well soon", I replied showing her a flower bouquet I bought with every flower of colour I could found in the shop.

"He is there in room no. 457, waiting for you, he is very stubborn and being cranky right now, he just don't want to stay in hospital, I already told him it not good for him, he should atleast spent 48 hours in hospital to heal his wound, but he just don't listen. He want to leave as soon as after meeting you", Sara said exhaustively.
"Okay, okay relax Sara, he is such a dumbass, who will not want to get treated by the most sexy doctor in the world", I said proudly.
She chuckled.

"Okay, okay let's go to his room, Mr. Giovanni will become angry if he saw me talking to you instead of taking you to his room", she said shyly.
"Huh.. sara is blushing", I thought and raised my eyebrows in disbelief.
With that she dragged me to his room.
As I entered to room, I saw a man standing with his back in our front of us talking on phone. He was yelling at the person on other side.

"Rude", I muttered under my breath.

Sara cleared her throat to gain his attention towards us.
This guy turned his attention to us who is called Mr. Giovanni which I thought was the same guy I helped yesterday. His eyes meet mine.

Sara introduced us.

"Mr. Giovanni, She is Miss Pooja Mehra, she is the one who saved you yesterday", She said.
"Nice to meet you Ms. Mehra", he said extending his hand for shake.
I shaked his hands but he is staring at me.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Giovanni, how are feeling now?", I asked not wanting to be rude.

"But....OMG, such a handsome guy, I was mentally grasping at him, He is wearing a well fitted three piece suit, from which you can see his muscles, He has a face of a Greek God. How can a human be this handsome. He can give wet dreams to girl"

"Hmm... that's why Sara is blushing", I figured it out while one time a look at Mr. Giovanni and one time at Sara.
My thoughts were interrupted by Sara, " Where are you spacing out Pooja?", she asked.

"Nothing", I replied with an embarassed smile.
Then I give my flower bouquet to him, " This is for you Mr. Giovanni to wish you get well soon", Mr. Giovanni took bouquet from my hands and was smiling looking at it.

"Ohh, Thank you Ms. Mehra, I'm short of my words to say Thank you to you for saving my life, you owe my life", he said.

"From now own you will be my benefactor. If you ever need any kind of help you can visit me anytime without hesitation. I will help you with all of my power", these are the strong and powerful words I heard from Mr. Giovanni. Did I judged him too soon he look a man with his reasons.
"There no need for that. You owe nothing to me, what I did was any person who is in my place will do the same", I replied not wanting to drag this conversation.

"By the way, you should thank the only person beside me i.e. Dr. Thomas, she is the one who treated you whole night", I said and put my hand proudly over my friend's shoulder. She gave me her warm smile.

" Yes definitely, that's why I'm inviting you and Dr. Thomas for dinner at my place, Please don't deny", he said.
"No, Mr. Giovanni you cannot leave right now. Your stitches can open which will lead to chances of injury not being completely healed", Sara protested Mr. Giovanni's idea of leaving hospital this early.

"Dr. Thomas, don't worry. I have a team of doctors at my mansion. They will take care of my injuries I don't have to stay in hospital for that", Mr. Giovanni shoved his hands in his pocket and stood in an authoritative manner. Which made Sara gulped.

"Oh! Ofcourse Mr. Giovanni we will come", i said cheerfully to ease tension between these two.

"It will be a great opportunity for me to bring Mr. Giovanni and Sara closer to each other", I thought.

"Okay then, Today's evening, I will send my driver at 7. Thank you Ms. Mehra", with that he took my hand in his hand and placed a small kiss on the top of it.

After saying goodbye to me and Sara Mr.Giovanni left.
I chuckled
"Why did you accepted his invitation", she asked while glaring at me.
"You like him Sara, that's why", I said
"No i don't", she said shyly.
"Oh! Come on you cannot lie with me I saw you were blushing, when he was talking with us, accept it Sara you like him", I said.
"Come on, you are assuming things own your own", she said and left room.
But I knew she's lying. She can't lie to me. I just know her too well.

"Don't worry Sara, I will play the role of cupid in your story. I will bring you and Mr.Giovanni closer", I smiled at my thoughts.

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