Chapter 48.

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Dominic POV.

".....will you marry me Pooja", i asked her. Wishing inside,"please say yes".

I look at her expression. She is blankly staring at me and then at ring. I could read her expressions. Then she step behind.

Hurt, reject, lost are the words could really define my condition at the moment.

I lost it. I lost Pooja.

Disheartened i look at the ground and got up, not wanting to stare at her eyes. When i looked at her, she smiled warmly, with a shine in her eyes. She ran towards me and engulf me in a bear hug.

"Yes, yes, yes. I will marry you", She said, still hugging me.

I instantly pick her from ground and started to circles her around.

She sequealed at my sudden action.

"Dom stop i will fell", she said. I then placed her back on ground. And cupped her face.

"You are death to me woman. For a second i thought you will reject me", i said in a sad tone.

"How can i reject a person who love me the most in this whole world", she said and placed her tiny hands over my chest.

I hold her hand and immediately slipped my ring in her fingure.

"Beautiful", She complemented.

"It's of my mom", i said. Her expression softened. And she immediately placed her hand over my shoulder.

"She always said that, she wanted to gift her wedding to her daughter-in-law", i smiled at my sweet memory.

"If she were alive she would loved you a lot. Maybe more than me", i chuckled.

"I fulfilled you promise mom", i stared at the star.

I know today, she will be very happy. Finally i have someone in life, whom with i can cherish every moment of my life.

"Yes, today mom will be very happy. I'm glad that i have you as my partner", Pooja said.

Then i cupped her face. And lean forward, but stopped in mid asking for her permission. Then she closed her eyes. It's a green signal for me. I immediately crashed my lips over her. They were soft as sin.

As it was a gental one. I pulled back. But she is like a drug the more i have her, the more i craved for her. This time i brutally smashed my lips over her. I held her from her waist. And she snaked her arms neck, pulling me closer to her. I kissed her roughly. I molested every inch of her mouth.

Oh! God. How will i live without her.

But she wasn't able to respond. I give her time, then our tongues moved in sync. She closed her lips in thin line, not allowing me to enter.

Oh! Now my little angel is playing with me. Just wait.

I bit her lower lips and then inserted my tongue in her mouth. Now she no longer have control over it. We both pulled apart, both are running out of air. I rested my head on her head.

"Oh! God. That was amazing. What will i do without you cupcake", i said.

"Hope that day won't come. Now you are stick with me and i'm not letting go you anywhere", she said a placed her head over my shoulder to hid her blush.

"Baby girl, you don't have to hid anything from me", i whispered in her ear.

I once again perked on her lips.

"Come you must be hungry now", i said and grabbed her hand making her follow my lead.

Pooja POV.

Dom grabbed my hand and i follwed her. Then i spotted a table with two chair in the mid of that beautiful camp. It's like a small heave.

My heaven.

Then Dom pulled out a chair for me and waved his hand for me to sit. I did the follow. Then he sat on his. He clapped his hand then few waiter came and placed mouth watering food on table.

Don't get me wrong. But everything on one side, my food love is on other. 😍😍

Then they served food one by one. After that Dom pulled out cap for soda.

He remembered that i don't drink.

My thoughts amused me. He smiled and pored a glass for me and then for him.

"You remebered that i don't drink?", i asked him.

"Yes, ofcourse. And i love those girls who don't drink", he said and winked. I blushed hard. We ate our dinner in comfortable silence.

Dominic POV.

I love her smile, she is so beautiful ,like a fallen angel on earth. But she is mine. And in that dress, so is looking fucking hot. My junior has awaken, it been a long time that i have been with a girl. But Pooja is making it harder for me to control. Her baided hair, worked as petrol in fire.

I don't know whether i will be control myself tonight or not.

I have to control at least till marriage. I have to wait :(

After having our dinner, we decided to head home. I called my driver for car. Then her phone ring. It's a private unknown number. She checked it on true caller. It belongs to an unknown person. She disconnected her call. Then again her phone ringed, this time she picked it up.

"Hello, Pooja Mehra here", she said in her angelic voice. I looked at her, she glanced at me, but then looked away. Then i noticed her sudden change of expression.

For a happy one to shocked and worried one. She dropped her phone on ground. And stood like a statue there rooting in ground.

"What happened Pooja", i asked her.

She started crying hysercially. And hugged me.

"What happened baby girl why are you crying. Did someone is bothering you?", i asked her, my heart is beating wildly. If anyone dare to hurt her i will kill everyone.

"Please baby girl speak", i pleaded.

She controlled her sobs and took a breathe before telling me. I wiped her tears with my thumb and encourage her to speak.

"Zac... Zachary kid.... kidnapped Alia", she said.


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