Chapter 10.

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Dominic POV.

After giving drive to Pooja, i come back to my mansion. She was constantly nagging me why I have given him that money. She is very persistent about return every single penny which I owed to her. At last I told her, I give him a cheque of one million, he is scared of because I'm the most richest business man of Italy.

I must say I have never meet a girl like her, who is independent as well as taking care of seven kids. Those are lucky kids, she saved those kids from a local gang who where selling them. I think she is in danger. Maybe those gang would come back for revenge.
I took phone out of my pocket.

"Steve, i want to gather all information about Pooja Mehra, and those gang as well from whom she resued those kids", i said.

"And also increase security around Pooja house, always keep our men outside her house and keep spying, i want to know every single details about her", with that i hung up.

That girl is something, she is changing me. When I saw her smiling face today and those kids, there is urge within me to kiss those beautiful lips, her smile is registered in my mind. It is very easy for me to kill that guy and forcefully took those property paper, but i didn't want Pooja think of me as a monster. I want to create my image in front of her as a generous business man. I never wanted to become a mafia but there are circumstances i have to take that decision.


5 year old Dominic.
"Happy birthday Dom", mom and dad said together.
"Thanks mommy, thanks daddy", i said.
"Dom, now cut the cake", dad said.
I cut the cake and mom and dad start singing happy birthday song.

Suddenly *bang bang*

"Omg! They are here, Nina take Dom to his room, my mom hurriedly took me to my room. No i want to stay with dad".
"Dad will come soon, don't worry.

*Bang bang*
"Dom, always remember that me and your dad always loves you", with that she kissed my forehead.
"Don't make any sound Dom, be brave, mommy will be back in a minute", with that she hide me in a closet.

*Bang Bang*

With that I saw my mom's body fall on floor. But mommy said not to make any sound. I cried but i didn't make any sound. I remembered those face who kill my parents.


"This boy is very stubborn", Nun said. "I can't take care of him".

Then i run away from that orphanage. I was spending my nights and days on a public park bench, stealing money and begging. Until one day, "Hey, boy come with me, i will give you food and house", that man said and i decided to go with him. I thought i would get a new family but that person is a gang leader who sold kids and girls to rich people.

He constantly abused me physically and mentally. There were or more kids of my age, some are slave for the day they were born.

For years and years of constant abuse. When I was 12 year old. My master took out belt to beat me. He kept beating me for hours and hours until I passed out. I know my master kept a dragger in his waist. One day he come drunk, he start removing his belt.

" You rotten piece of meat, you spoilled every thing, now i will teach you a lesson", with that he start beating me.

In order to save my self from his beating, I threw a wooden chair towards his direction. That chair hit him on his head.

I saw his eyes fuming with anger, he drop the belt and start choking me by hold me by neck with his both hands. I kicked him, punched him but he didn't even burged. In kicking and punching him my hand slide around his waist to find were the dragger is. I took the dragger and stabbed him. His hand loosened around my neck. And I continuously stabbed him to dead.

After watching my horrified act, a mafia leader adopted me. He gave me his name and made me the single heir of his property.

At the age of 15, he died, leaving me alone in this mafia world. I killed, in my life 1st time those people who killed my parents, because they are giving testimony against a gang leader. I started enjoying killing people.After taking over his business, i never look back. I started expanding my business in every part of world. Power and money become my obsession until Pooja came in my life.

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