Chapter 7

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Dominic POV.

I took the hand of my girl and showed her the whole mansion. She liked everything about it all the wall painting, interior designs, expensive furniture, all grooming amenities, chandlers hanging in each room etc etc.  She is just exploring a new world like a small cute child who is curious. Don't worry angel everything is yours already including me.

"Wow! You have a lovely mansion Mr. Giovanni", Pooja exclaimed.
"Oh! Pooja you said don't call me Ms. Mehra then you also shouldn't call me Mr.Giovanni you can call me Dominic, but i perfer Dom", I said. She smiled at my suggestion. I just wanted to drop formalities and get closer to her.
"Okay, Mr.Gio..., I mean Dom",Pooja corrected herself in mid of her sentence.
I smiled as she said my name. It felt smooth to hear. I just want her to keep calling my name again and again.
"So, Pooja tell me something about you?", I asked. Although I know everything about her already. I have already done her background check. But to make our conversation long I asked this question.

"Ahh! There's nothing special to know about me, by profession I'm a Chartered Accountant in D&J Enterprise, I'm also a part time novel writer and a social worker, in my family I have one sister younger than me and mom and dad, I met Sara when I  first time came in Italy, after meeting her we became good friend's, now she is my house mate", Pooja told me.
"Tell me something about youself too Dom", She asked.
"I'm a business man Pooja everyone in this knows about me", I said. She looked taken aback by my statement. Hell! Why wouldn't people know me I am the king of biggest mafia group operating across the globe.
"Oh! Actually it's been only 2 months since I'm here in Italy", Pooja said little being embarrassed.
"It's okay. I understand Pooja", I said.
"If you would have known about me, then you wouldn't be standing here in front of me, infact you would have tried to run away from me miles and miles away", I thought.

"But I won't let this happen anyway"

My thoughts are interrupted the maid came.
"Sir, dinner is ready", maid said. I glared at her for interrupting me. But I know my angel will be hungry by now, so I let that off.
"Okay, we are coming", I replied.

"Please Pooja", I said by extending my hand. She put her hand in mine. I lead her to my dining hall.

Sara Pov.

Stupid Steve. He's just stupid. I dolled up for today's dinner to look pretty and gain Mr. Giovanni's attention. But that stupid of driver ruined my dress and plans. Now I am busy in washroom to clear up the stains on my dress. I am beyond furious now.

"Calm down Sara. Night is still young. You will get a chance", I took deep breaths to calm myself. I won't let this opportunity just slip by. I remembered how I first saw Mr. Giovanni's face and fell for him. He's just mine. With determination I again tried to fix my dress. After getting satisfied by look I came out of washroom. Then one maid took my to dinning hall. But when I reached there I saw no one. Not even Pooja. Then I saw Mr. Giovanni entering into dinning hall with Pooja hand in hand and Steve came from opposite side. Disappointment came cross my face.

"Where were you gone, Pooja?", I asked feeling a little bit frustrated and jealous.
"Ahh! Dom has been giving me a tour to his mansion", Pooja said cheerfully.
"Dom", I thought. I looked at her with questionable eyes.
"Seem like you two have become good friend already", I am getting irritated right now but controlled my tone.
"Yes, Pooja is a nice girl and saviour of my life, she owe my life, so I was just taking extra care of my saviour", Dom spoke to me.
Every chuckled after hearing this. I felt a little bit relieved. At last, I am getting some attention from Mr. Giovanni which is why I am here. I will just not waste time now. I smiled at his reply.

"Let's go to dinning hall", Dom announced.

Dinning table is a round one on which various culinary items, neatly placed napkins, candles holders with fancy chandler were handling above it. It looked like a dream.

Mr. Giovanni is really rich. I mean he's ultra rich. I don't know if Pooja has figured out it or not. But I don't think so this kind of wealth can be accumulated by an ordinary business man. But I kept my thoughts aside as I have a mission for now. I gestured Pooja that I want to sit near Dom and she understood and nodded. She excused herself from dinner table.

"Dom, I will come in a minute, I have to call someone urgently", Pooja excused herself from there.
I sat near Dom, while leaving one seat for Pooja near Steve.
"So, Dom how's your injury, are you feeling well any kind of swelling or pain", I asked
"Yes, Sara I'm fine, no swelling no pain", he replied. He is just perfect.

"But still you should have spent atleast recommended hours in hospital. I know you own a team of qualified doctors. But it makes me worry about you. Atleast allow me to visit you time to time to check on you. It will easy me. After all you are my patient", I told him. I just wants to get closer to him. I know he is perfectly healthy to handle those injuries.

"No Sara, please don't worry about me. You don't have to check on me. Steve will send you my medical reports to put you at ease. I am perfectly fine", Dom said these words to me while serving himself. I couldn't just understood his expression. I think he is irritated that I asked same question. I better not ask this question again, but I need to find another way to get closer to him. Then I tried changing topics and serve him food.

Pooja arrived and she took emply seat and sat near Steve.

Steve PoV.

Pooja took a seat near me, now Dom is sitting between the two girl. But his seat is a bit faraway from her and Sara is constantly chatting with him on various topics and servings food to Dom. He looked irritated so I decided to make my bro jealous, by talking with Pooja and making her laugh. The more I male Pooja laugh, the more serious he will get. I am getting a good beating tomorrow I know. But still who cares, I am enjoying this.
With that thought a smile creep on my lips. And I started talking with Pooja.
"Pooja, you are looking so hot is this red dress, when I first met you I was sure you must be one of those Victoria Secrets Model", I said and wink toward her.
I'm sure Dom has noticed it, and now he is looking at we with to murderous eyes. If looks can kill, I know i am being stabbed 1000th times.
"Well, i'm not one of those Victoria Secrets Model, but I'm hot, i know this, and i also like huge boys like you", she said teasingly and wink towards me.

"F**k! My future sister in law, Pooja Mehra is flirting with me, I'm so dead now. Dom will not spare me", I looked worriedly at Dom. Pleading through eyes not to kill me.

After having dinner, we chatted a little while, and then I drove both ladies back to home. But after that I am not safe.


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