Chapter 33.

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Sara POV.

"Oh my god", i mentally shrieked as i saw Dom standing their. He has a blank expressions on his face.

Zachary also staring at Dom with wide eyes. I was praying to God, hoping that he hadn't listen anything about our plan to kill Pooja, if he hadn't then there is no way I can make him mine.

"What you two are doing here?", he asked with stern face.

"I just bumped into him, and my face hit the floor he was just helping me", i said.

"Please God, please help me. Hope he didn't listen our little discussion", i prayed to the Lord for 100th times.

"Yea, yea her face hit the floor, so i was helping her. My bad", Zachary said apologetically.


Neither of us spoken anything.

"I just go and meet Pooja", i said and take my leave.

"Well yea, i also have work people. Excuse me", and he left.

I sighed. Luckily, Dom hadn't listened anything. I mentally thanked god 100th times.

I entered into Pooja's room, she was sleeping. But i have already dropped that idea of druging her now, I have Zachary suggestion. He is right if i do this, it will only create problems for me. I have to win Dom's trust before doing this. I sighed and left hospital.

Pooja POV.

I woke with a loud ringing of alarm at my night stand.

"Who the hell kept this here", i got up from my bed. And snooze tha alarm. I'm in hospital. It's my free time. I can sleep as much as i want. And i'm not a morning person definitely not. So i'm not going to wake up now.

But wait a second.

"What the hell", i shrieked loudly.

As i saw my room is full of roses of every colour, with ballons, stars, wall hangings. And in mid of that, i saw a gaint teddy bear sitting, facing towards me.

I run towards that teddy, it's of pink and white colour with a heart holding in between his hands. Written on that is take me. I immediately pick that teddy in my hands and hugged it tightly.

"You are so soft", i squealed like a four year child.

But a greeting card grabbed my attention, with a bouquet on the table near teddy.

I picked it is up, an saw a word "sorry"  beautifully written. Below that note i got to know who is behind this whole surprise. It's "yours Giovanni".

I smiled at that word "yours". I can feel butterflies in my stomach. Then i heard someone's clearing throat. And I saw the same man who is behind all this surprise. He is wearing an armani suit with crossed hand over his broad chest, leaning against the wall.

I smiled warmly at him. And guess what, i received one back. I expected this, at least a small one. He didn't disappointed me.

"Nice way of apologising Mr. Giovanni", i said.

He showed his hands into his pocket and moves towards me.

"I have to do that, after all i cannot see, love of my life is mad at me", he said.

For a moment, I was shocked what just he said. I stared at him for a while, and he is intently gazing at me. Now, my cheek are red as tomato.

I looked away, he saw it that i'm blusing. This is embarrassing.

"You look cute when you blush", he chuckled at bit and earned a playful slap on his arm.

"By the way, how's my surprise do you like it?", he said.

"Well, i love it. I love to wake up like this every morning", i answered.

"Whoa, you want me to do this everyday. Nah! Not happening", he said.

"Why", i questioned.

"Because, i also want something in return", he smriked which is a evil one. I know his reaction what he is talking about.

"It's okay, you can't today this everyday. I know you are busy man, you have so much responsibility. Why will you all this for this old lady", i pouted.

"You're right an old lady", he said.

"What did he just called me old lady. How dare he", i was about to answer him back.

"Yes, only my lady", he put his hand behind my back, holding my waist pressing our bodies together. He is gazing at my eyes intently then he shift his gaze on my lips. He was about to smash his lips on mine but i put my hand over my lips before this.

"No,no you can't this. I haven't brushed", i said push him away from my body. But his gripped tightened around my body. Not letting me get away from him.

He grabbed my hand which was over my mouth, and removed it with one stock and I can feel now his lips on me.

It's was not a gental one but no also a rough one. Full of passion and love. It took me few second but i started responding to kiss my hand are now around his neck pulling him closer to me. Now it is turning into a rought one. He shoved his tongue in mine, molesting every inche of my mouth. But i don't know how to kiss 😅

We stayed like alomost 5 minutes, but my lunges are running out of oxygen. We both part away and heavily panting.

"That was amazing", Dom said.

"Why did you do that, i told you i haven't brushed. It stinks", i said putting hand over my swellon lips.

"You taste great", he said while licking his lips.

I punches over his cheat, " i told you not to", but he caught my hands.

"I can do whatever i want. You can simply refuse me", he said.

"Well i can, because i won't let you take my advantage just like other girls", i looked at him stern face.

"Well you will come to me, infact you will beg to me, make love with you", he said and now he is challenging me.

'Well Mr. Playboy let's see who will win", i smirked at him.

Writer POV.

After their little argument. Dom went to doctor's cabin to ask about when they are going to discharge her.

"Yes, she is completely fine now. We will discharge her tomorrow", doctor said.

"Thank you", Dom thanked doctor and left his cabin.

*Mobile phone rings*

*Steve calling*

"What news Steve?", he said.

"You were right. He's the head of Siberian Mafia, an planning against Italian mafia, to took over his everything thing", Steve said from other side.

"How much he is demanding, for this information", Dom asked Steve.

"He said he want to take his revenge from him. Now he is our man", Steve said.

"Good job Steve, so Mr. Stone wants to play games with me let's see who will win", he answered Dom.

"And what about her", Dom asked.

After a few minutes

Hmm.... okay.... great.....

He disconnected his call. A victorious smile spread over his lips. As he walked out from hospital.......


Authors Note :-

You guys must be thinking why i haven't written Dom pov.

Well i will write it as flashback. After happening of all event.

But soon new twist about to come in story.....

Will Dominic be able to save Pooja?

Comment down below your views and possible event what could happen.....

**Don't forget to vote, comment and share**

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