Chapter 24.

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*Important Announcement*
Hey guys,
I want to announce something. After completion of this story. I'm gonna write another. This time I will an adventure novel. See the cover pic above with the title of my 2nd book.

Once again, i want to thank all my reader, and request you guys, please vote, comment and share my story.

Good day.

Dominic POV.

As soon as we reached at our place. I decided to take Pooja, Sara and Sam with me in my mansion. I know she is going to protest but I can't let her win this time. She is very stubborn i must say but i will blackmail her by taking Sara name.

"Where are you taking us", Pooja said.

"My mansion", i said.

"But why, i don't want to stay with you", she spat.

"Look Sara is weak now. And those kiddnapers can come again. This time with full force. I know if they will hurt you. It doesn't matter to you, but this time they will surely kill Sara. Do you want her dead", i said pointing towards Sara.

I know she is now fighting a mental battle. But I know her very well. She thinks of other first. That the quality I like about her. How many people you will found on earth, who thinks of other first? I know vert few. I'm lucky I have one. If she can love Sara so much, then guess how much she will love me, if i be able to make her fall for me. I'm sure gonna do that. She is mine, only mine. But unlike other mafia's, I won't force and torture her. I can't. Instead of that I want to earn her love.

"Fine, but once all this over, we will leave", she said.

"I will never let you go, honey", i said in lower tone.

"What did you said", she inquired.

"Ah! Thanks for accepting my suggestion", with that we entered in my huge mansion.

Sara POV.

I woke up feeling dizzy. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw very unfamiliar surrounding.

"Where am I? This is not my room", I thought. I turned around to see. I saw Pooja was sleeping next to me soundly.

"Poor girl", i muttered. But i'm still feeling dizzy. So without wasting a single second, i slept again.

Pooja POV.

I woke up at 10 am. I must tell you i'm not a morning person. If there is a sleeping competition, then no doubt i will be winner of that. But why my body is aching very badly. My whole body is feeling numb specially my stomach. Then i remembered what happened yesterday. That guy has punched me so many times in my stomach. Now i have cracked ribs and bruises all over my belly.

"Omg!", i shrieked.

"What the hell, at least at that time i was wearing a bullet proof vest otherwise i might have broken ribs now", i muttered.

"I should take some pain killer and antiseptic", i thought but suddenly door brust open and Dom come inside. I quickly cover my belly with my shirt.

"Good Morning, bella", he said.

"Hey, good morning", i replied.

"You haven't come down for breakfast. Get up i have bought breakfast for you", he said while placing  the tray on nightstand.

"That so sweet of you Dom", i smiled at him.

I thought after placing food, he will left, but i was completely wrong. Instead of that he sat on my bed.

"I'm not going until you finish", he said.

"No, no. No need", i will eat.

"Bella, i said i'm not going anywhere, you hardly ate last night. Now eat", he ordered.

"Damm it. Why there is always a need of him spy on me. Can't he give me some privacy. I'm in pain. My whole body is swelling. Last night i was so worried about Sara, i didn't paid any attention to my wounds. And i don't want to tell him. He will freak out, i know", i thought to myself.

"Pooja, pooja", Dom said.

"Yes, yes I will eat", ignoring my pain i started eating.

But my stomach hurts badly, as i sat. Because i have few cracked ribs i know.

"Pooja, Steve told me, you killed that guy", he asked.

"Yes! I killed him because he was trying to rape me. But i used my self defence moves on him. He pissed of he took out his gun to kill me, which ended up to his own death", i told him in one breath.

"You are such a brave girl, you are in pain yet you hadn't told me", he said, i can see hurt in his eyes.

"My eyes widened in shock. How did he knew that. I didn't told him. Is he reading my mind", i thought.

"How did you know that", I asked him

"I heard your muttering,when i was standing outside your room" he said and pick an antiseptic creme from shelf.

"Expose you belly Pooja", he said.

"No, no give this to me. I will do it myself ", i said to him.

"I said expose your belly", he said again.

"No, i won't. This is highly inappropriate", i spat

He chuckled.

"Pooja, i'm saying expose your belly. Not to strip off your cloth, but if you won't listen to me. Then i will certainly do that, now expose your belly", he said.

This time i decided not to argue further. I exposed my belly. His gaze on my belly hardened.

"That bustard did this", he spat.

"I'm happy he is dead now, otherwise i will toutured him for eternity for doing this with you", with that he gently rubbed my purple bruises. I can help but gazing towards him. His eyes show so much care and affection. I never see him like this before. I saw his face, first time i notice, his expressions were not of an egotistic person, but of a person who is madly in love.

No Pooja don't think like this. He is mafia boss. He kills people.

But he helped me, in savings Sara.

Oh! SARA also like him.I can't do this, but i also can't help that i'm feeling attracted towards Dom. For the first time in my life, someone cared for me. But i can't do this.

"Done", he said and looked straight into my eyes. Our gazed locked for a moment. His piercing green eyes now looking straight into my brown eyes.

I looked away. Don't want to see or more. I'm afraid. I can't let this happen.

"Thanks DOM", I said.

"No need, Pooja. It's my pleasure", he said and left my room.

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