Chapter 18.

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Dominic POV.

It's been one month, fucking one month since I had any encounter with Pooja. She rejected me, she rejected my love for her. And since then, i couldn't help but thinking about her, her smiling face always were always flashing in mind. But i want her to get out of my mind, with that thought i called one of my girl.

"Hello cindy", i said.
"Yes, Dom", she answered.
"I want you today, i'm coming for you", with that i hung up the call, sat in my black Porsche and drove at her place.

Knock knock.
"Hey Dom baby", with that she came close to me and started kissing me. Then she dragged me to her bedroom, she was wearing a black transparent negligee with stop in mid-thigh. She lay down on bed and posed in seductive manner. But after watching her, i can't help but raise my nose in disgusting manner.

"What happen honey, don't you wanna do this", she said faking pout.
"No Cindy, i'm so tired right now, i have to go now", i said.

"But", before she could even complete her sentence i left her apartment.

"What are you doing with me Pooja", i murmured to myself. Still her smiling face is flashing in my mind.

I reached my mansion and pour a glass of scotch for me. I turned on tv and Pooja is every where in news.

"Today Miss Pooja Mehra, have helped police in rescuing 30 girls from a most wanted criminal Alex Polanni, who kidnap girls and turn them into sex worked by drugging girls with steroids to make them look younger before their age", i turned off my tv. And called her,"Damm it Pooja, pick up the call", i tried again and again but no answer.

But why i'm so worried about her, she is nothing to me, no but she owe my life, with that i called Steve," where is Pooja right now", i spat.

"Hey bro, don't worry she is fine, my boys always around her", he answered.
"Increase her security, put more man around her, remember that not even a single scratch should come to her", with that i hung up.

Now, i feel relieved, that she is fine right now. I decided to pay her a visit next day.

*Next Day*

Right now, i'm standing outside Pooja house, i want to know how she is. What is a need of her to always put her paws in tiger mouth, first of her she rescued those 7 kids and now she even don't know Russian, he is my rival group, if they got to know that I have a soft side for her, they will definitely put bullet in her head, but i won't let that happen. With that i knock her door.

"Dom, you are here", Sara said while opening the door.

"Good morning, Sara", i said.

"What bring you here today, Dom", she said closing door.

"Where's Pooja", i said tried not to sound frustrated.

"Oh! That lazy butt is still sleeping, she has a long night yesterday, you know naa",she smiled.

"Yes, she is every where in news", i said.
"She is really brave, she didn't think once of herself before jumping into this pit, do you know they are Russian mafia, they will come for her", i said, but what i saw Sara angry face.

"Are you kidding, you should appreciate her efforts, she saved those girls life", she said.

"I know but she should....", i stop in mid when i saw Pooja standing there.

"Dom, why you are here in", Pooja said.

"I have come for you, just want to see whether you are okay or not", i said.

"I'm okay, now you can leave ", she said.

"Pooja, don't be rude", sara shhused her.

"Pooja, you put your life in danger as well Sara and those kid", i told her.

"I will take care me and Sara, i don't need your help", she said.

"I'm not here to listen your bullshit, from now onwards you will always stay in my men custody, my men will always around your house and from tommorow office, my driver will be pick and drop you", i said.

She protested." No, i don't want that, police has already increased our security, alone with my kids and those girls, you don't have to worry about that".

"Sara tell her, not to risk her life", i said to Sara." I don't trust those office, remember when you called that office he is also that part of russian group", i told Sara. And tried to persuade her.

I know she will never refuse Sara.

"Yes Pooja, until all these problem are solve you should stay safe, think about me and your kids, who will look after them", Sara said faking sad face.


With that she nodded to take my help and I mentally smirked for my victory.

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