Chapter 28.

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This chapter is dedicated to komallakra0062 graciousamisha
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*2 hours later*

Dominic POV.

Right now I'm standing outside operation theatre. Praying Pooja to be okay. Pooja has a really bad accident she could have died if someone hasn't pulled out her from car in mean time. He is a guy who bought her in hospital. I got to know this from hospital staff. But i hadn't met him.

It's all my fault, why i have to let her go. I know i'm the only one responsible for her condition right now.

"Mr. Giovanni", a nurse called out my name.

"What happen is she okay", i said, i was really worried hoping her to say all is fine but....

"She has lost so much blood, we can't find her blood group, it is rare, you have to arrange a donar within 50 minutes otherwise we won't be able to save her", she said and i felt my something is my eyes. Water flowing down to my cheeks. I never ever cried in my life, but fear of losing Pooja, no i can't let that happen. She can't die.

"Her blood group is AB- please do it fast", she said and left.

"Steve call everyone, post all this on internet and announce a reward of 1 million do it fast right now", i ordered him.

"Don't worry bro, i will take care of all this", he said and left.

I pulled out my phone to call Sara, is she has the same blood group, or she know someone. I called every man out there who work for me. Every single worker, employees even my gate keeper and watch man but not luck.

"Sir, only 10 minute left, if you won't be able to arrange donar, then she will be coma for her entire life", she said.

"Steve what the hell?", i yelled at him.

"Sorry bro no luck, most of the blood donation centre are running out of AB- blood group and not even a single person have this kind of blood group", he said.

"No, fucking this can happen she will die. I don't want this to happen. This all my fault. She should be living", i said grabbing him from his collar.

"Mr. Giovanni. We have found the donar. He is the same person who bought Miss Mehra here", nurse told me this good news, i felt relieved.

*30 minutes later*

"Congratulations Mr. Giovanni, she is out of danger now", doctor said.

I mentally thanked god thousands times for this mircale. I can't lose her. I can lose sun of my life. She is reason, i'm taking breathe.

"Thank you doctor. Thank you so much", i said to him.

"Don't thank me, thank Mr. Stone who donated his blood on time, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to save her", he said.

"Where is he now", i asked him.

"He is in my cabin", i again thanked him and move to see that guy.

I entered in doctors cabin, to see the saviour of my life. He is man age around 32. Jet black hair, a towering height of 6'11. When i entered he smiled at me. He seems familiar, do i know him? But i set aside all these feeling and greeted him.

"Thank you Mr. Stone for donating your blood and saving her life", i thanked him.

"No, need of thanking me, Mr. Giovanni. I have my reason for doing that", he said.

"Reason", i questioned him, something about him is suspicious.

"Actually she saved someone life who is very precious to me. So i owe my life to her. And now it's time for my turn in returning her favour", he said with a wide grin on his face.

I swear, if some other person is over here in his place. I could have kill him in a snap, but this man has saved my girl life. I can't do that.

"I want to reward you for your deed", i replied him.

"No need of that Mr.Giovanni. I have enough money, what i want to keep a precious thing safe", i give him a sten look.

"I mean she is precious. She is national hero of Italy, even she is not an Italian she saved so many lives", he cleared his point.

"Indeed she is precious", i replied.

"Well i should be going now, please keep her safe for me", with that note he left.

He is a bad news, i can smell this.

"Mr.Giovanni, Mr. Mehra is awake, you can see her now", without wasting a single second i ran to her room.

Unknown POV.

"Boss, she is awake. Thanks to you", my underboss said.

I smirked.

"How can i let her die so easily without playing with her", i replied.

"But what is the need of doing all that, first having her a car crash and then saving her by donating blood", he said.

"You won't understand. I have planned all this from very long ago", i smirked again.

" I think i should now pay to visit to Dr. Sara Thomas", i said him.

"But why", he said questioned.

"Speak one word, or i will put all these bullets in your pretty little head", i threaten him.

"Fine, don't tell me", with that he left . He is my loyal man but sometimes he irritates shit out of me.

"Don't worry Pooja, all you pain will be gone. After killing Dom, you will be my mistress, but first of all, i have to use your pretty little friend against you to make my plan work. I'm coming for you Dominic Giovanni, to take the most precious thing of your life. But first i have to deal with Sara", with that i laughed louder my a wicked grin on my face.

With that i moved towards hospital where Sara works.


Authors Note:-


I'm so happy to announce villain of this story.

This is the most exciting part of my story.

Comment down below your views about all this.

Untill next time.

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