Chapter 38.

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Pooja POV.

"Stay away, don't touch me", i yelled at Mr. Malhotra, throwing everything which is in my hands.

"Oh! Comeon Pooja, you can fulfil Dom's needs, then why can't you mine", he smirked and taking step towards me until my back hit the wall.

I gulped in fear.

This man is crazy...

"Shh... I promise i will be gental,no pain, no tears if you corporate otherwise choice is yours come to me. Come to daddy", he said calmly.

"Use your hand", i spat on him.

"Looks like you don't understand what i said, i think i should go with rough", he smirked.

I immediately kick him between his legs, he yelp in pain. Then i immdiately rushed towards to door.

"Damm open up", i tried to open door but that bustard has locked it.

Then i feel a stinging pain in my scalp. He grabbed a fist full hair of mine and push me towards him hard chest.

"Festy i like it", he wisphered in my ears.

Then he throw me over his shoulder.

I have gone week after my accident.

But i have to fight....

"Put me down you basturd", i yell at him hitting him again and again buy he didn't bulged.

He throw me over table and start unbuckling his pants.

No this can't happen...

Fight him...

This dizziness will surely kill me today...

He started hovering his body over me trying to rip my clothes off.
I hit my head hard on his head. He immdiately backup, using this as and advantage, i kicked him on his face with my 4 inch high heels.

Which surely hit him hard because blood started coming out from his mouth. Using my self defence skills, i again attacked him this time he defended twisted my hand and throw a hard punch on my face.

It's not his punch, it's his rings who wounded me. He again climbed over me ripping my shirt off from arms.

"Stop please stop", i pleaded him, because no energy has left in me.

"Too late honey", he was about to rip my pants off, suddenly door brust open.

Someone has pushed that bustard over me. A wave of relief wash over me. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes.

"Pooja, pooja open your eyes", i heard a voice calling for me. As soon as i opened my eyes, i saw a concerned familiar face.

Yes, it is steve.

Thank god. I have informed Steve before coming here otherwise....

Then i heard a sound of beating and screaming. I saw Dom is throw punches and kicks over that bustard, he is bleeding, pleading him to stop.

"Steve stop him, he'll kill him", i said to Steve. He nodded.

"Dom stop", he grabbed Dom, but Dom didn't even bulged.

"How dare you to touch her, i told you stay away from her", he kicked the old man in his ribs.

"Dom please stop, you will kill him", he's furious and i'm in deep trouble now.

As soon he saw me, his expressions soften. "You okay did he hurt you", he said and i nodded in yes.

"I told you not to go near him, look what he have done to you. I swear..", he stopped in mid calming his voice.

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