Chapter 11.

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*Two weeks later*

Pooja POV.

"Ms. Mehra come to my office", My boss Mr. Anderson call me on intercom.
"Yes sir, you called me", I said. As I entered into Mr. Anderson office I saw a man is sitting on opposite side of Mr. Anderson.
"Yes Pooja, I want to tell you that, I am selling this company, but don't worry no employees of this company will suffer from this decision, meet Mr.Giovanni, he is now the new CEO of J&D Enterprise.

The person who is now sitting on opposite side of Mr. Anderson turned his chair. Now  he is straight looking at me.
"Dom", i thought, "he is new CEO".
"Hey Pooja, how are you, we met again", Dom said.
"You know each other", Mr. Anderson asked.
"Yes, Mr. Anderson, i know her. Because of her I'm standing alive in front of you", Dom said, "she saved my life", he added.

"Well, Ms. Mehra is most efficient employee of this company. I'm sure she will take good care of you and your company." Mr. Anderson said.

"Now, I'm taking my leave Mr.Giovanni take care, goodbye Ms. Mehra", Mr. Anderson said and left.

Now me and Dom is left alone in room.
"You purchased J&D Enterprise", I asked.
"Yes, why will I not Pooja, I always wanted to buy this company, this company has huge profit scale plus very high percentage of market share, that's why I have purchased this ", he said while taking long stride towards me.
His manly cologne fill my nostrils. Now he is standing just in front of me. His grey eyes are now grazing into my brown. I looked away. He gripped my chin gently, " don't look away when I'm talking with you. Now I'm your boss", he take his hands back.

"Yes boss", i said.
"Call me Dom", he said.
"No, i can't. Your are my boss right. I can't call you with your name. It will ended up only bringing unwanted attention", I said.
"Okay, fine but you can only call me boss in office not outside", he said.
I stayed quite.
"What happen?", he asked.
"Now, how i suppose to pay back your money", i said
He chuckled which i guess is a creepy one. He is planning something mischevious.
"Work for me,stay with me everytime", he said while sitting on a chair.

"What is he out of his brain?", I thought to myself.

"Ms. Mehra, i want you to arrange a party in evening in my place, to celebrate my success of acquisition of J&D Enterprise", "and also bring you friend Sara with you", he said.
"Okay boss", I nodded and left.

Pooja POV.

Right now I'm at Dom's place, arranging stuff for party in the evening.
"Oh! I should call Sara", with that thought i dialed Sara number.
"Hey sara, good news for you", i said.
" What kind of news?", she said.
"You know, Mr. Giovanni has acquired my boss company and he is throwing a party in evening, he invited you for his party", i said.
"I think he likes you", i said and chuckled.
"Oh! Pooja really did he?", she asked.
"Yes, he did", so be ready by 5, then after that we will straight head to his party", i said.
"Okay, Pooja thank you so much, i'm waiting", with that she hung up.

Author Note:-
So what guys you think. Will Pooja be able to meet Sara and Dominic


Her game will have reverse effect.

Comment down your views. Hugs and kisses 😘😘😘

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