Chapter 45.

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Dominic POV.

*At spain*

A lot of things has happened within a month. I don't want Pooja to a nervous breakdown, first she lost her best friend and second that attack. I don't want her to live in such a suffocating environment.  So i planned Spain trip for her. She always told me, she wanted to go on Spain. And for ZACHARY i can't say. I have brutally defeated him, but i know this won't end until one of us is dead. And this time he won't stay quiet. He must be planning something more big then this time.

If he dare to again hurt Pooja. Then i will surely open the doors for hell for him while he be living like a corspe on earth. If he want to get her, he can over my dead body.

I have increased security of her. More and more mens, and we're still finding Zachary place. Steve is taking care of Sam. I can't risk anyone life at this stage.

Pooja POV.

I'm in spain. Whoa...

It was my dream to come here. I can't believe this.

Alia also want to explore spain.

I should call her. Tell her, i have landed...

(Giggles, giggles)

* Calling Alia*

"Hey babygirl, kaisi ho?", i said to Alia.

(Hey babygirl, how are you)

"Fine didi, aap btao", Alia said.

( I'm fine sister, how are you?)

"Well, gusse what happened?", I exclaimed.

"What hell no didi, your are pregnant", Alia said shrieked like a banshee.

"Ah! What? No, i'm not pregnant. For god sake stop talking like that", i mentally rolled my eyes.

"Aww! Didi your are no fun"

"What stop talking rubbish"

"Didi you should start having fun in your life. Your are 24 still virgin..."

"Nah! Nah! You will get a slap what you now your are only 15"

"Yeah! Yeah! You know what almost everyone is my class has lost their virginity, and i'm the only virgin is here. I can't wait"

"Shut up Alia. If you dare to did any kind of thing. I will rip limbs from both of you two bodies", i yelled, i'm very protective over her. She is my younger sister. How can she talk like this to me? She has to study hard and be a professional like me. I signed.

"Comeon di. I'm joking. Don't be serious okay. I won't any kind of thing which will hurt you and mom & dad", my mature teenager sister replied.

"Hmm, good. You are following my footstpes. Good, i'm very proud of you"

"Now tell me, why you called me"

"Hmm, i'm in spain right now"

"WHHHHHAAAAATTTTT", she yelled on phone.

"No, you said you will take me and mom dad on vacation. What are you doing their"

"Jeez christ, at least hear me first then comment. I'm here with Dom", i can feel Scarlett my cheeks.

"Ohhh hooo, didi waah!", Alia said teasingly.

"Shut up Alia",i spat.

"He's going to my brother-in-law. I can't believe this", she exclaimed like a e year old kid.

"It's not like that Alia", i can't tell her the reason.

"Didi you know what, you should plan a surprise date for him. A candle night dinner on roof. A bedroom full of red roses and candles. Then a exotic love making night. Propose him to marry you didi. I can't wait, i want him to be my brother-in-law", Alia said while jumping on sofa. I can feel excitement in her voice. She is so desperate.

"Hey, hey hold on. I'm not going to do that. And you keep focus on your studies not on this all"

"Didi you are no fun"

"I know, now goodnight. I will call later", i said.

"Okay didi. Good night. Love you", she said making me giggle.

"Love you too, babygirl", i said and ended my call.

As soon as i ended my call, a two strong pair of arm hold my waist tightly. Dom rested his head on my shoulder, and placed a small kiss over it.

"With whom you are talking love", Dom asked.

"Alia, i told her that i'm in spain. She always wanted to came her me and mom dad", i replied.

"I hate her", Dom said.

"What?", i raised my both brows in frustration and face him.

"You love her more than me", he said while making puppy face.

Oh! So cute.

"Yes, because she is my younger sister. As a elder sister, it's my duty to protect her", i said feeling proud over me.

He pouted and hit his chest playfully.

"But i love you more than my life", i said placing my head over his shoulder. He placed a small kiss over my head.

"I know cupcake", he said.

"Seriously cupcake", i laughed over his statement.

In mean time, his phone rings. It's a call from Steve.

After a few..



Take care of that for me...

He disconnected his call. He seems tense.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine", i said placing my hands over his shoulder.

"Zachary won't stop now, until he gets what he want", he said and hugged me.

"But i promise, i will take care of you and my family", he said, his words rang like a shock in my brains.

Omg! Zachary can also hurt my family...

Shit, why didn't i thought about this earlier...


An expression of shock washed over my face. Dom noticed my sudden change.

"What happen cupcake", he asked.

"You said Zachary can do anything in getting what he want", i said to Dom.

"Yes, but i promise nothing will happen to you", he said and cupped my face.

"No, i don't care about myself. What if he tries to attack my family", i told him with worrried expression.

"Please Dom. Please save my family.  I can't leave without them. I am so selfish, i was so engrossed in myself that i didn't thought about my family. Omg! Please Dom", i pleaded.

"Hey, hey relax. I will protect your family. Nobody can harm then until i'm alive. I promise", he assured me. I know he's the only one who can save them. I can't let anything happen to them because of me.

I sighed and mentally prayed to god for safety and security of my family from every threat.


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