Chapter 43.

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Pooja POV.

We run through the secret passage. But this path is like never ending. When we reached at the end i saw people were standing with guns in their hand. Tell told us they're Dom's man and ordered to escort me and Sam. We sat in limo and drive to an unknown destination.

But my heart is racing like in any moment is will pop out. I was worried about Dom. Why didn't he came with us? He's fighting for me. Then again Sara memories hit me.

"Sara", i murmured.

I'm sorry Sara, this all are my fault. Yes she was right, i could have controlled my feelings for Dom. Because of this i lost my best friend.

Sam noticed my uneasiness. She placed her hand over my shoulder to assure me everything is fine. I passed a weak smile to her.

I hope Dom is doing fine. Please don't die.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that i didn't even realised we have reached our destination. Car strightly passed to the same hotel in which Dom has throw party.

"We are here ma'am", Driver said.

We got down from car.

"Why Dom has chosed us in hotel for stay. It is too dangerous. What if they attack again. Many innocent life will be at danger", i said to the Driver, who seems to be very important man for Dom.

"Ma'am i assure you this is the most safest place for your stay. And it's also boss orders. Please come in", that driver said.

Me and Sam were settled in our rooms. I was worried about Dom.

Where are you?

Dominic POV.

"Tell me who sent you here?", i calmly asked to one of the Zachary man's.

"Speak or die", Jimmy kicked him in his ribs.

"No. Please kill me", the man said.

"Okay, then let's make a deal. Give me all information and i will spare your life. Infact i will send you and your family faraway from here, you can start your new life their without any fear, so what's your decision", i calmly asked him.

That man thought for a while before giving his answer.

"How can i trust you. What if you will kill me if i give you information", he raised his eyebrows while speaking.

I sighed. This man is running out of patience.

"Look i never kill anyone without my benefit. You have my words. I will spare your life if you co-operate. Otherwise either I will kill you or Zachary. Choice is yours "

"Okay, i will accept your deal"

"Good you have brains. Tell me everything from beginning"

"Zachary is planning to kill you. So that he can take over your business and power everything. Infact he also wants to kill Pooja, because of her, he lost his deal with clients from Bangkok, selling girls for human trafficking", as soon as he completed his sentence. I can feel my blood boil.

How dare he? If he wants my power my possession he can fight for it. But that bustard is going to use Pooja.

"And he is the one who crashed Pooja's car", that man said.

"Now back to our deal. I did my part now its your turn", he said.

"Fine, Jimmy take care of his deal", i ordered Jimmy and left to hotel.

This is not good.

Zachary wants powers and this will leads to war between two mafia groups.

He wants to destroy me.

This won't happen Zachary.

Only in your dreams.

I have to plans something big before he make his move.

*1 hour later*

*At hotel*

"Where is both of them?", I asked my man.

" They are in their rooms sir", he said.

"Good, any movement from their side", i asked him.

"No sir. Nothing. Zachary vanishes into thin air. We attacked his every illegal place he hold but he is not here", he said.

"Good. Tell my pilots get a jet ready for me. We are moving to Spain", i ordered him.

"Fairly well sir", he said excused himself.

I straighty moved towards Pooja's room. A lot of things has happen within a moment, i don't want her to have a nervous break down.

I pushed the brown door, find her pacing back fourth in room.

"Dom", she saw me and run towards me. And pulled her arms through my neck and engulf me in a tight hug.

"Thank god. You're okay. I was worried about you", without wasting a second i wrapped my hands around her tiny waist. I was shocked with her reaction first. But i love this feeling. This butterflies in my stomach. I'm glad she also love me the way i loved her.

"I'm here baby girl. And i promise no body will hurt you", i placed a kiss on her head.

I low sob escaped from her lips.

I pulled out her from hug, and i saw tear rolled out from her eyes.

"Please don't cry Pooja. Everything will be fine", i said and she nodded.

"Dom", she said in low voice.

"Mmm", i replied.

"Who is the one who attacked us", she asked.

I don't want to tell her...

But it's important...

"It's Zachary. He's the same man who is responsible for your car crash. He tried to kill you 4 times", i told her.

She looked bewildered. No able to control her feelings she break down.

"Shh! Baby girl. Don't cry", i calmed her and hugged her tightly. She placed her head in my chest.

"I'm very bad Dom. My own friend tried to kill me. People are behind our lives because of me. And so many mens of your lost their life and their families. I felt guilty for them. I'm no good for you Dom", she cried hysercially.

"Shh! Baby girl. It's not your fault. It was Zachary plan to kill us. There nothing you and i can do in this", i told her.

"Look at me Pooja", i cupped her face, she was looking at floor.

"Pooja you are a fighter. Don't fall weak at this moment. I want my fighter Pooja back. My pooja never ever fear to fight. She is the bad ass, who always fight against wrong, never follow rules. Not a girl of power but a girl of morals. I need you most in this time. Have faith on me. I need you the most", i wiped her tears and she nodded her head.

"Good. Take rest now. Tommorow we are moving to Spain", i told her.

"Spain, but why", she  raised her brows in confusion.

"I will tell you later", she nodded her head and agreed.

I was about to leave her room. When she caught me by her waist.

"Please stay a little longer with me. I feel safe", she told me.

"I'm not going anywhere baby girl", we cuddle in bed and slept in deep slumber.


Authors Note:-

So sorry guys for this late update. And i have a bad news as well. My college has opened now. So i can't be able to update this book on daily basis. But i promise to finish this book within this month. As few more chapter has left in completing this story.

Until next time.
Take care.

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