Chapter 57.

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7 years later.....

Pooja POV.

*In Thailand *

"Alia............", i woke up from my nightmare. Badly sweating, it's been 7 years of her death still her memories haunt me.

I'm so sorry Alia. That shouldn't happened that day, i should be the one dead that day. Not you.

I never realised that i was crying when i felt something wet and hot flow down to my cheeks.

I wiped my tears away and looked in watch, it's 2:30 am in morning. Tommorow is my most important meeting with one of the board  of directors of our company. I don't want to get late for such a important meeting. So, immediately  drift back to deep slumber.

Dominic POV.

*In Italy*

It's 8:30 pm, and i am in a bar, completely drowned in alcohol. My life is a complete mess. I never thought that, everything which is important in my life will shattered within a second.

"You should stop drinking now", Steve said.

"Just go away from here, i want more", i yelled at bartender.

"Dom stop, it's enough for today, let's go back to home", Steve said and pulled away glass of wine from my hand.

I laughed bitterly.

"Home, you mean that mansion. I don't want to. There's nothing for me there. Her memories haunt me. And she is living her life peacefully, leaving me in all this mess", i snatched back my glass of wine from Steve hands.

"Come on, man that's too much for today. Let's go back", Steve persuades me and we drove back to my mansion.

I was so drunk at that time, that i wasn't even able to walk properly. Steve helped me with my suit, he changed my cloths and left.

Steve POV.

Where are you?
I miss you, please come back.

He's again mumbling her name. I don't know when he will get over from her. It's been seven years, seven years of pain, seven years of patience, but still Pooja didn't forgiven Dom, for that mistake he didn't even committed.

Zachary died, but by his death, he was able to separate Pooja from Dom.

They were so happy together, they were in love, but it took only one thing to Zachary to get Pooja and Dom separate.

But my friend, don't worry, i promise to bring back your happiness, your Pooja. I'm sure Pooja is also not happy their. Now time has come, for both of you fall in love again. And i promise, i will make both of you fall for each other again.

I promise.

With that promise, i left Dom's room.

Pooja POV.

"Pooja, come breakfast is ready", dad yelled from kitchen.

"Coming dad", then i finished my work and ran down for breakfast.

"Good Morning dad"

"Good Morning sunshine, come have breakfast"

"Thank you dad"

"Pooja, i want to tell you something"

"Yes dad"

"You remembered our's yesterday conversation"

No not again.

"Dad, i already told you. I don't want to get married right now"

"Pooja you are 30, when you are going to think about yourself. Listen Pooja, Mr. Bansal and his son is coming tonight. And you are going to marry him"

"But dad......"

"It's my final decision"

"But i don't even know his son"

"Then marry DOM"

"Dad you are being childish, didn't you knew because of him we lost Alia"

"Alia gave her life to you to live, and look what are you doing. You are punishing yourself, me and Dom everyone"


"Listen you i already lost my one daughter, i don't want to lose another one, either you are going to marry Mr. Bansal son or you are going back to Dom", with that he left the dinning table.


Steve POV.

"Sam, here is the plan. We are going to bring back Pooja and Dom", i explained everything to Samantha.

"Yes! It's being a long time since she left. Dom really needs her now....."

"I'm sure Pooja also didn't moved on. So we're going to get them back", i said and she chuckled.

"When we are going to try this?", She asked from today.

"Yea that will be great, now you go to Dom, i will talk with Mother Maria", we both high fived and started working on our mission.

*Mission getting back Pooja*

It' s sounds funny. I chuckled at my thought and moved to Dom's office.

Dominic POV.

"Uff! These Japanese clients are such a pain in ass. They are demanding separate land for their warehousing facility. I means who demand such thing. God knows what's running in their mind", i closed their file and moved back on my chair. And closed eyes for a while.

Then i saw her. She is here, with me.
"Dom, open your eyes", she shouted on me.
"No, it's a dream you are not here, you left me. You didn't know how much i suffered", i cried, she came closer  and wiped my tears.
"I have came back dom, and this time i won't leave you alone. Never", she played with my hairs and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"I will come soon", then she disappeared in white fogg.
I called her name so many times, but no response.
"No, please don't go"

"Dom, dom, wake up"

I heard someone is calling my name and continuously poking on my chest.

Reality hit me and my eyes wide opened in realization. I abruptly go up.

"You again sleep in office. I told you not to take so much stress", Steve scolded.

She's not here. It was a dream.

"Where are you spacing out man, i am talking to you", Steve again scolded.

"I spaced out for a second"

"Leave, i have a good news, we found a building for St. Maria orphanage, and we can give St. Maria  old building for the warehouse for Japanese clients"

"Good, shift kids to new building as soon as possible, so that we can sign that deal.

"Ofcouse, i need your signature on that", he handed me a piece of paper and i immediately signed it.

I saw Steve was smirking.

"What", i asked him with narrow eyes.

"Oh! No...nothing", he shattered.

I know he's planning something. But i care less. I signed them and handed to him without reading.


AUTHOR note:-

I know you people are confused, with the new twist in story and a leap of 7 years.

But don't worry, i will disclose the reasons why Pooja left Dom and their new journey.

And their is no squeal for this book. This book will end soon 😭😭

*wipe tears*

Untill next time .
Take care.
Pooja ♡

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