Chapter 60.

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This chapter is dedicated to g999999 AzharSaid03 JamilaThomas3

Thank you so much guys for reading and voting on my story.


Pooja POV.

"Dad, why their a need of you say such things in front of him", i am beyond furious at that time. I never thought that, Dom will showed up their like that.

"Pooja, watch your tone", my dad shot glare at me. He never tolerate someone's ill behaviour. Obvio why he because after all he is an army officer.

"I am sorry dad. But you shouldn't have said those things to him, it's been 7 years. I think he may have move on till now. Your words make no sense to him. We are only here for my deal and your heart surgery that is", i told my dad with a frustrated tone.

Dad placed his hand over my shoulder to calm me.

"Pooja, don't be so hard on yourself. Even god also forgive our mistakes why can't you. Even he wasn't at fault. I have seen in his eyes. So much adoration and care for you. O want best things for you Pooja. See Alia left, and after your mother also left us, i am getting old day by day. I want to start your family, so that i can die peacefully. It's every father dream to see his daughter in dress of bride. Please Pooja, i don't want you to left alone in your life", he was in tears at last part.

"Dad, please don't cry"

"You promise me first, you will go and talk to him first, if he had move on then your are going to marry Mr. Bansal son as soon as possible, promise me", dad extended his hands towards me.

"I promise that, i will do that", i took his hands in mine, wipes his tears and hugged him.

Next day.

*Talking on mobile phone with Mother Maria*

"Hello Mother Maria"

"Pooja dear where are you, please come fast. They are moving our things, please save us where i will take all these kids, pooja please come fast", Mother maria said, and i can sense tense in her voice.

"Don't worry mother maria. I am coming, i will Dom ass. How dare he to took our land, i won't let him hurt my kids", now smoke are ozing out of my ears.

I cannot believe this,Dom is doing all these. I was correct about him, he is a criminal? How he's gonna understand what other feels, their pain and all.

I quickly took shower and changed my dress. And moved to Mother Maria's orphanage.

Dominic POV.

"Hey Dom", Steve called my name.


"Today we are shifting Our orphanage and we received a call from Mother Maria that some goons are creating trouble their. She called you for help. We shall be heading towards their"

"What goons? What they want?"

"They said, these are their kids, i think they are the local gangs, from which Pooja saved those kids", as soon as Steve said those words, it made my blood boil.

"How dare they, i will kill everyone. They are our kids. Let's go their", i took my armani coat and headed to Mother Maria Orphanage.

*At Mother Maria Orphanage *

"Hey you drop these right over here, otherwise i will KILL YOU", i heard a girl voice yelling on thw delivery man on the top of her lungs.

"How dare you. This home belong to Mother Maria, tell your boss, we are not leaving from her"

Gezzz!!!! Her voice sounded like Pooja....

Wait a minute, is that Pooja....

I fastened my pace towards the direction of her voice. In the backyard of the orphanage.

I saw Pooja standing their, in the middle of the backyard yelled at those delivery mans. She is wearing a pink dress reaching in her mid thighs, giving me the full view of her flawless legs.

I shallowed hard.

Damm!!!! Why she had to wear a dress like that...

I cleared my throat to gain their attention, all heads snapped towards me.

"What is going on here", i said in my stern voice.

"Sir, this lady is not allowing us to do our work", one of the delivery man said.

I looked at Pooja, who is already looking at me with murderous eyes.

She looks sexy, when she's angry...

"What is going on here Pooja?", i asked her.

"Can you see, this is mother maria home. How dare you to kick out my family from here. This is my land", she yelled.

"Gezzz!!! Stop yelling i can hear you", i told her.

"Why should i stop, you are kicking out my family. You listen take this and hand me those property paper", sge handed me a cheque of 20 million.


From thw corner of eyes. I glances at Steve who is trying hard to supress his laughter and Mother maria as well.

Ohh!!!! Now that is what Steve and Sam were planning.....

I smirked......

Now just see.....

I handed her back, that cheque back, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"This is my land and i can do whatever i want to do. I don't want these brats here. Now you can leave"

I almost laughed when i saw Pooja mouth in big "O" shaped. I gave her an electric shock of 420 waltz.

"You get back to your work", i ordered those delivery mans.

"Yes sir"

I turned my back and starts moving.

"Hey wait", Pooja ran behind me and caught me with my wrist.

"Listen please don't do that, where will my kids will go, atleast give us some time so that we can find a new......"

"STOP", I yelled at delivery man. They immediately stopped their working

"Hmm.... i will give you some time, of you agree to have dinner with me today and attend a charity ball with me", i asked her with my hands crossed over my chest.

"Dinner with you no way", she cringed her nose.


"Okay, i agree to have dinner with you today...."

That is what i want to hear....

"Boys you can leave now. You will receive you payment", they nodded and left.

"I am looking forward to see you at dinner Ms. Mehra", i whispered in her ears. She shivered with our closeness. I know, i still have effect on her.

I placed a soft kiss on back of her hand and left.


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