Chapter 34.

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* 2 days later*

Pooja POV.

Finally i have discharged from hospital, but still week and on medication. Sam and Sara are really taking good care of mine. Because i'm hella careless girl.

Now i'm in Dom's mansion. And i'm very happy that i don't have to sleep with him in his room. But i really miss going out. I want to meet my kids and Maria Mother.

But i know, Mr. Arrogant won't allow me to go outside. After that incident never.

"Pooja!", Sam called my name.

"Yes Sam! Come in", i said as she entered in my room.

"Get up and get ready", she said and move towards my cupboard.

"But, i don't feel like taking shower. I'm not even going outside of this room", i said and pouted.

"Dom didn't told you", she said.

"What now?", i asked her.

"He's taking everyone at dinner today", she said.

"What, why he is doing so. I don't feel like coming out of this room", i said and covered myself under duvet.

"Get up, he is taking everyone because you got discharged from hospital, at his grand new opening of hotel", she said.

"What", i sighed," okay, i will get ready now", i stood up from my bed. And then Sara entered in my room.

"Hey guys", Sara said.

"Hey Sara", we both replied in unison.

"What are you two doing", Sara asked.

"Dom is taking out all of us on dinner, for his grand opening of new hotel", i replied bluntly because i really don't wanna go.

"What", Sara said.

"Why are you not ready yet, go change quick", Sam told Sara.

"Okay, I will. I'm really excited", she said and left.

"Now go and take shower fast", Sam said and left.

I showered and came out from bathroom.

"What dress i should wear. Oh! Comeon, i don't have any new dress", i mentally face palmed my self.

But then i saw a saree my mom has given this to wear at special occasion. Today is a special occasion. Ofcourse, i'm gonna wear this saree.

Sara POV.

I got out from Pooja's room. I have to give this drug before party at any cost to Pooja. After a while Sam got out from Pooja's room. This is correct time, i should do it now.

I quietly entered into Pooja's room. I heard the sound of running water. She is talking shower good for me. I immediately picked up medicine from Pooja's night stand. I heard the she is coming out of from shower, i shoved those medicine in my pocket and came out from her room. I stood their in corridor. But no one was there. I quickly took out that drug packet and mixed it my Pooja's medicine.

"What are doing here Sara", i heard someone's voice behind me, i panicked and turned around, i saw Sam was there.

"What happen Sara, you okay, you're sweating", Sam said.

"I'm fine Sam. I just checking Pooja's medicine which medicine she should take now. You know naa how careless she is when it comes to taking medicine", I reasoned out her.

"Hmm, now go get ready. We're getting late", i nodded and towards my room.

"I won't let Dom so easily slip out from my hand, i will got anything in order to make him mine, and today i took the first step towards it", i thought.

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