Chapter 25

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This chapter is dedicated to MariaLopesFerrao.
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Sara POV.

I'm so happy. Dom came by himself to save me. Omg! Please help me, I'm falling hard for that guy.

"Oh! You naughty boy Dom, you just have to ask me. I'm all yours baby. But don't you worry. I have plans for you tonight. You just wait and watch", i thought.

"Where are you spacing out Sara, eat. You are very weak. I don't want to see you again in that condition", Pooja said irritatingly.

"Ah! Nothing", i exclaimed.

"God! You irritate so much Pooja", i said.

"What did you said?", she narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing, you are such a lovely friend", I said kissing her cheeks.

Her eyes wide open.

"That was unexpected", she said.

I look at Dom, who is intently gazing towards us.

"How's your wounds Pooja", he said.

She nearly shoot daggers towards him and rolled her eyes.

"Pooja, you are hurt and you didn't even told me?", i said.

"That nothing, i have few bruises", she said.

"But still you should have told me", i said to her faking sadness

"That nothing i already told, in evening i already got my medical check up, no serious injury so don't freak out", she said.

I don't her this habit, she never tell anyone what she really feel. She never share her sarrow, pain and problems. I don't know why. But i also not force her to tell, because i know she will never open up. I know my friend is strong and stubborn.

After having dinner, we all headed to our room for sleep. But I have plans for tonight. Then i saw Pooja coming in my room with his stuffed teddy bear in her hand. Sometimes i think whether she is normal or not. One second she behave like a kid, other moment she is mature grown up fearless girl. God help me this is gonna be a long night.

"Why are here in my room?", i said.

"I want to sleep with you, you know naa i can't sleep alone in night. There are ghosts in my room. Scary creature", she said making pout.

"Shut up, go to your room", i said nearly scolding her. If she say with me in my room then my little plan won't work.

"No, i want to sleep with you", she said.

"But, I don't want to sleep with you. You know naa what happened last time, you jerked ne out of my bed. In a moment i was on floor and your were lying like a blanket on bed. So no, now get out", i said yelling on her.

"No, i promise i won't do that please let me in naa", she requested.

"Oh! Stubborn girl. God please help", in that moment Sam arrives.

"Pooja i want to sleep with you. I'm having nightmares", Sam said.

"Hey, Sam don't worry. I'm here no one will touch you again. If someone dare, i will cut his hands", mature Pooja is back. Whoa!.

"Come sleep with me in my room", she said.

And she rolled her tongue towards me and left.

"Thank god she is off now", i thought

With that I changed myself into a mid-thigh length negligee and walked straight towards Dom office. I know he sleep late. Currently he is working in his office.

*knock knock*

"Whose there?", Dom said.

"It's me Sara, i want to talk to you for a while", i said.

Then i heard turning of door knob. Oh! May may. I mentally gasped at him. He is wearing a v-neck t-shirt and a black sports pant, his hair is complete mess, which definitely make his devilish handsome.

"Please come in", he said. I moved in.

"What you want to talk about Sara", he said while closing the door and moving towards his table.

"I want to thank you for saving my life and helping Pooja. You are so kind hearted", i said.

"Don't thank me Sara, i promised Pooja that i will bring you safe no matter what", he said.

"But, I'm here to talk something else", i said and moved closer to him.

"I'm here to talk about me and you", with that I pushed him. He fell on chair.

I immediately climbed over him and started kissing him vigorously.

He pushed me and I fell on floor.

"What are you doing Sara", he said angrily.

"But you love me Dom, don't you want to have me. I'm here for you. Please allow me, please let me make you mine", i said while standing on my feet.

"Who told you all this bulshit", he spat.

"Why there is a need to tell, you actions state clearly that you loves me, you invited me on dinner, you invited me on your party as well. And tommorow you saved my life, by risking your own. You also bought me here so that i can stay safe. I know you love me, and I love you. Please be mine tonight Dom", i said a come closer to Dom to kiss him.

"Sara you are crossing your limits, stop doing this right now", he said, "get off".

"I won't until you tell me you love me", i said making pout.

"I don't love you Sara. It's a misunderstanding", he said.

"You are lying Dom. I know you love me", i said and tried kissing him. Instead of that he gripped my hand.

"Sara, stop all this otherwise i will throw you out of my house", he threaten.

"But you love me....", i said but cut in mid.

"How many time, i have to tell you that i don't love you. Get out of this room otherwise consequence won't  be good", he throw me on floor.

Tears started flowing from my eyes. "Why he is going this, why don't you accept", i said while crying.

"Why will i accept when i don't love you. I love someone else", he said.

Hurt, frustrates, rejected these things i feel right now, but i want to know. I want to hear all this what is going on his brain. I collected my guts, and moved towards him, whose back is facing my front. I poked him.

"Tell me, who do you love", i said

"Tell me otherwise me, otherwise i will hurt myself. Tell me", i said.


"Is that girl is deaf, i told her many times i don't love her, why didn't she just leave", i thought.

I moved towards her.

"You want to know, whom I love. Who has stolen my heart. Who will be my queen", i said.

"Then listen, and listen carefully", i said

"I love Pooja, not you", i said, finally, i'm no more afraid of accepting this that i love her and she will be mine.

"Pooja", Sara said with wide eyes.
Authors Note:-
Finally, Sara got to know the truth of Dom feeling towards Pooja.

What you guys think, what will  Sara do now.

Will she move on?
Will take revenge from Pooja?

Comment down below you views.
Very very i gonna disclose the most awaited villian of this story.

Until next time take care guys.

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