Chapter 14.

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* 1 week later *

Pooja POV.

After that party incident, I tried to avoid Dom as much I can. I hadn't told even Sara about it. Because I know she like Dom very much, but i will tell her, i might lose my friend, which i don't want to.Whenever Dom come in office, he also didn't talk to me, but he kept starring. I don't like his gaze on me. For me love is not my priority and by looks and riches i cannot allow any person to intimates me. For me I want my man to a simple, loyal and kind one, who selflessly help other. And i never saw Dom at that way. He is completely different.

"Ms. Mehra, boss has called you in office", Liza said.

Dom has called me, what he want now, i don't have the courage to face him again. Infact after than incident, his behaviour completely changes. Now i got to know he is not a generous or meek kind of guy, but a cold hearted person who loves to control other people lives. He can't control his anger, and he drinks and smoke a lot, which is foremost things I don't like in anyone.

"Okay, i'm coming", with that i started heading towards his office. I was panicking a lot, what if he throw me out of his office, i can't lose my job now, because it only 2 months 3 week when i started working here. I won't get another job so easily.

I took heavy breathe before turning door knob.
"Sir, can I come in?, i said.
"Yes, Ms. Mehra come in", he said.

Dominic POV.

I didn't expected that Pooja will slap me. From past one week she is avoiding me like i did not exist. What on earth wrong with her. I'm fucking mafia king of Italy. Girls worship those place where i keep my feet. Every girl come running towards me by dropping their panties. And this girl, didn't even look at me. Even her friend Sara is completely smitten by me, why not she what wrong with her. I can't help me avoiding by her.

Girls never avoids me, I what to know the reason behind this. This time I completely loosed my patience. That why i called her in my office. I want to know whether she likes me or not. I can easily kidnap her and tie her to my bed and can seal her fate with me forever. But I don't want to do this, i want to her to love me the way i love her. To accept me with my horrified past and my true reality, no lies.
With that I heard the sound of turning door knob. I know it is her.
"Sir, can i come in", she said.
"Yes, Ms. Mehra come in", i said.

"Please sit, Ms. Mehra, i have to discuss some important matter with you", I said.

She nodded and sat on chair opposite to mine.

"See, Mr. Mehra it's been 2 week I acquired this company, and now it time for make a huge changes in accountability and costing structures of this company. Yesterday i was checking companies records and i saw huge mistake in data entry with faulty amounts. Some of members of this company is invading amount from companies bank account, I want you to take care of this matter as soon as possible and give me their names", I finished.

"Ah! I really didn't have knowledge about that members of this company is invading money from companies account, I will take care of this matter, you don't worry sir", she said.

"Now, you can go now Mr. Mehra, i want there names within 24 hours", with that i dismissed her.

She nodded and start heading towards door.

"Wait Pooja", i said and took long stride towards her and pushed her to the wall now she is tapped between me and wall.

" Why are you avoiding me Pooja, you didn't even make any eyes contact, tell me the reason", i said.

She opened her mouth but nothing comes out.

"Answer me Pooja, is this is all because, I kissed you that day, huh... tell me Pooja, fucking speak something", i'm now getting angrier and angrier.

"Yes, yes all of this time i'm avoiding you because of that kiss", she said. Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Why Pooja, don't you like me ?, i asked.
She seemed shocked with my question.

"Tell me", i said.

She nodded her head in "No", and said," no, i don't like you Mr.Giovanni.

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